Hubby is not doing well. long post

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More thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I found this thread this am and have read it all. I am sending you hugs and will be praying for you all day.
Stay strong, eat well, rest, and let your children know you love them too! You need your strength for them too. Remember, they are your DH's gift to you.
What wonderful news that his heart is fine. We need to celebrate the good things that happen. I am still thinking of you all and you are a constant in my prayers. I hope the new doc. that comes in has some answers that the first doc. did not. Sometimes a fresh mind is a good thing. He may have ideas that the first doctor didn't.
SpottedCrow said:
Keep holding his hand and know that we're holding yours from far and near.

I've been doing this in my imagination, knowing that we are all interconnected and that we can indeed send healing energy/Love across distances. There is an inspirational story on (click on The Story) where a woman's young son drowns and how she rallies the efforts of friends & family to heal her child. Essentially, all of us via BYC, are doing the same thing for Davy.

I'm also picturing myself by Davy's side, holding my hands over his chest and sending my energy and asking for God's Love to heal Davy's lungs.​
Sending all our thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
My son was on a ventilator for 2 1/2 months, heavily sedated with enough stuff to knock out a horse, and yet he knew we were there beside him. Take care of yourself too, it's hard when you have a family to look after at home and trying to be at the hospital at the same time. Things will get better, just have faith.
Even though we don't "know" each other, you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I just pray that God gives you the strength to endure, and that He brings healing to Davy. May He bless you guys, and give the Doctors and nurses knowledge in treating and healing Davy.

Been checking on and off this morning. It is very encouraging that Davy's heart is ok. I pray that you continue to get good news.

But, it sounds like you need rest. Please, I hope you are getting some now. Davy and your family need you to keep up your strength.

We will continue to pray and think of you.

See, Alley, we continue to hold the fort while we are hoping you are resting. Someone is there with Davy at all times (even if from afar).
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Albert Einstein

I've been following the thread about your husband, children, and niece and nephew and am hoping for the best for all of you. How is everyone doing? I became really worried when I didn't see any more of your postings.
Suzy in New York
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