Hubby is not doing well. long post

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How's everything going Alley?
So glad you got the good news about Davy's heart and I'm praying that the news will continue to go uphill. I know you are upset about the doc taking off for 3 days but it might be God working to send Davy a better doc that can help him more. Just a thought because He works in mysterious ways and I have personally seen the backup doc be the one to save someone. Prayers are still be said around here for yall.

God Bless,
I've been reading this post and hoping and praying that Davy soon takes a turn for the better. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We're all sending you our love.
I keep reading the thread and praying that things are improving. Please God, let us hear of better news for Davy's sake and the sake of his wife and family.

Well I am officailyy injure in the line of duty. at 8:30 am Davy was supposed to be due for another round of meds to keep him kncked out. However a woman 3 doors flat lined and tehy all got busy working on her (which they needed to do). My FIL and I were setting with Davy and noticed that he was stirring around. Knowing that the drugs were wearing off we wanted to make sure that he was going to freak out, break loose and rip out the tube. I was on his good side and he started to try pulling his arm around. Not really hard but was I could tell he was aware enough he was starting to test everything. I went to grab his hand because it came close to where it was tied and I knew if he felt it he would have been undone in a heart beat. So I grabbed his hand. I am not sure what exactly happend next...I know he wasnt totally aware of who was around him, and my grabbing his hand sent him in the fight or flight mode. And he well.... grabbed ahold of my hand and tried taking it off. He has a super strong grip and he never really knew his own strength to begin with. he grabbed ahold of my hand and squeezed it as hard as he could, and if my FIL hadnt of been standing there I would have really been introuble. It took all we could to get him to keep him from flat breaking every bone in my hand. Either a nurse heard my probably uniproperiate thoughts as to my situation, or they were just coming by and noticed. But either wayh I felt a little lucky they did see that we needed a little assistance. Between the nurse and My FIL they couldnt break his grip. And after about 5 seconds of them trying to pry him away, I got everyone conviced that they ought to get him dopped back up. And I was lucky enough they already had it drawn up, so it wasnt to much longer and she had him tranquilized enough he let go. After that excitment I got to go and have some xrays done. the bones in my hand on my first finger, and ring finger are broke.And Of coarse the rest are really bruised. They wouldnt cast it because there was to much swelling and are supposed to keep a eye on it until it goes down enough they put it on without worry about my hand becoming loose in the cast a day or so from now. When I got back my FIL acted suprised to see me back so soon. And he stayed unlike he usually does. He started telling me how Davy would never intentionally hurt me. And how I couldnt be mad at him for it. I told him that there was no hard feelings for the hand. If it were me in the bed I would have probably done the same thing. I also had to ask him what made him sugggest I would tuck tail and run on him now. And it all boiled down to the fact that he and Davy are both the same in the fact that they get ragging ticked when they get hurt. I told him that even though I was speaking alot of what he calls "swa-heely" I was doing so because at that point thats about all I could do. And I jokingly told him that once he came around and got back on his feet he would owe me at least a night out with him and doing things he really finds the most painful. Like catching a "chick flick" going to a arts, and crafts show. Or taking me to hobby loby and patiently walking around with me while I go crazy getting craft stuff for all my hobbies. I also told him that the good that comes out of this is we wont have to worry about him waking up on us like that again once I get a cast on. I can just crack him up side of the head and knock him out myself. He went ahead and stay with us the rest of the day. He isnt very good about being in these places, it bothrs him even more that he is helpless, and I cant imagine what it feels like for him to have see his son in this shape.Especially since Davy is his only son, and you know how men get about their. I am glad he stayed I wasnt about to leave but I was on some pain pills that made me fall asleep in my chair a lot. He did try to make me leave a few times and I told him that I would have better luck sleeping where I was than if I went to the room, where the kids were. And when I am not here I start worrying about how things are going here and I end up tossing and turning and then giving up and getting up and coming back over. I am not used to sleeping without him, I dont know why but I just dont fall into a heavy sleep, and wake up a 100x.The on call doc hasnt really did much here yet. He comes in on his rounds and pretty much reminds me that they are just going to make sure he stays stable until our doctor returns. Davy is getting more bruises by the day though, it looks like I am the one hurting him. His hand is even bruised from squeezing mine. I hate seeing all of these bruises on him, I think they bother me more than the tubes. (or at least making it harder to see all of it at once.) I keep trying to stay positive and counting down until our doctor gets back so hopefully we can start maybe seeing some progress. I cant wait to actually be able to see his blue eyes again, and well seeing him without the tubes and fully aware of me being here.
As for the other ares in my life as far as my niece and nephew and my stupid brother. We are now looking at the sentencing part for my brother abusing my nephew. We didnt make it to the last hearing, but I am sure he plead guilty and took the plea bargian. Which is way to easy. With the plea bargain he is only going to be locked up 5 months to a year. and then two years probation. I would have thought he would have gotten more since this was his second offense. But anyway, I think I have at least bought my nephew enough time that he can be imancipated and be on his own before his dad is ever close to being allowed near him ever again. This in itself has been hard on Davy and I. Even though what we did we know is right, it is still hard when you have to face the public and say, "Yes my brother abused his kids, and he needs to be punished." As hard as weve fought to make sure he is punished for what he has done to those kids its never easy to do that to your own family members. And weve lost alot of relationships on my side of the family because of it. But its going to be okay. I know I am not the only one in this world facing hard times. I see 100's of people aday who are in the same boat I am. It's apart of life I have to go through, I dont have a choice but to. And I hope, and pray that after this God will give us a year of peace. Anyway I am going to post this and see what I have in photobucket as far as pictures go of Davy. I am not to sure i have anything. And since this is new I dont have any pictures downloaded on to this yet.
It is not nice when you are intubated and wake up, most times people become combative, like a reaction to suffocating because of a tube in their windpipe. Sorry about your hand.
Alley, I am sorry about your hand.
As much as you need some rest yourself, I truly understand you wanting to be there with Davy. And yes, it does increase the worrying when you're not there to see everything that may or may not be happening.
We are continuing to pray for you and your family and we really appreciate all the updates you are giving.
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