Huge free sample of H&H soy free feed

Thanks for the link.
I just sent my info off for a free sample! We'll see how the girls like it. I've been searching for a higher protein layer feed for them for a while, this one sounds great.
There is a lot of debate about whether soy is the ultimate health food as has been promoted for quite a few years now. Many now believe that soy is actually quite dangerous, especially in large amounts. Because of the potential negative effects associated with human consumption of soy, many are now choosing to eliminate soy from their chicken feed in order to avoid this indirect source of soy consumption in their diet. We ourselves are choosing to use a soy-free feed due to the obvious (negative) effects we have seen on our own health from the consumption of soy.

Some of the concerns are:

High levels of phytoestrogens in soy which may increase problems with estrogen dominance and estrogen-related disorders like female cancers. Some feel that we are seeing effects on our children due to the use of soy formulas and increasing use of soy as an ingredient in many processed foods.

Soy is known to be a goitrogenic, which means it suppresses the thyroid. This is a particular concern in people who have underlying or preexisting thyroid issues.

Soy also have high levels of enzymes that inhibit the absorbtion of minerals. All grains and legumes have these enzymes, but soy has a particularly high amount. Therefore, it must be prepared appropriately in order to mitigate this effect. Fermentation is the best method.

If you do a search for Weston A. Price or soy dangers, I imagine you will find a lot of info. As I mentioned, this is a matter of hot debate and there is a lot of disagreement out there. I have personally found that even fermented soy affects me negatively, so we are trying to eliminate it as much as possible-extremely difficult to do in this day and age! Those without preexisting thyroid or estrogenic issues may not see such an obvious problem from the use of soy. Since the price of soy-free feed can be quite high, the benefits must definitely be carefully considered. Hope this helps answer your question.
I cannot tell if the sample I got is a layer type or chick starter, they say they make more than one type. It has a sweet smell, maybe they add molasses. It smells very nice, very earthy.

Their front page has a lot of good info, a pic of their feed..and they talk about the soy too..I never fell for the soy push and there is a lot out there about how bottom of the barrel it is.

They send a brochure, a 2 page letter explaining their feed and a business card. It cost them $11 to send it. It came in two gallon size Ziplocs. It says organic, soy, GMO grown free, fresh milled. Some of the grains are roasted milo, whole wheat, roasted oats, alfalfa, wheat mids, roasted barley, non GMO organic corn, oyster shell, whole flax seed, black oil sunflower, white millet, animal proteins from fish meal, plant proteins, kelp, brewers yeast, DE, pro- biotics, vitamins, minerals & more...this statement in on the flyer telling about the different things they use in their feed. It is a small company out of Texas and it is called H&H Old Fashioned Chicken Feed..the flyer says it comes in 25-50lb bags and if you order 2 tons, you can get it for $19 a bag including shipping. They also have a small 10lb deal on their page and tell you where to call for other prices.

I really try to support small companies..if I could find a few people within an hour of Tucson either way, I would be more than happy to use this...

I took this picture of what I was sent.


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