Humane Society to stop shipping of Baby Chicks (Look out Hatcheries)

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All this stuff is stupid America has bigger problems than banning shipping chickens in the mail and not allowing no more game lands. organization just wants to force there opinions on everyone else.

98) Shipment of animals – prohibit shipping through the mail of live reptiles, baby chicks and other birds for the pet trade, agriculture or sport.

First off if the usps does there jobs right, not that many of the chicks will die. But there always will be some that die from cold or from being handled to rough. Just because it is possible that some may die when the are being shipped is not a reason to outlaw shipping them.

1) Humane poultry slaughter – apply law to cover poultry so that 9 billion birds per year (95% of all farm animals slaughtered for food in the U.S.) get basic protection from cruel and abusive treatment in their final moments; guide industry transition to Controlled Atmosphere Killing methods that, when done using a proper mix of gases, provide a more humane end, and yield higher productivity (e.g., fewer broken bones as animals aren’t struggling) and fewer workplace injuries for the staff.

I agree that they should be treated right, before they get killed. I don't know much about that controlled atmosphere killing. But I have heard that the way a lot of places kill them now is by cutting there throats.

My family use to have 2000 chickens that they sold for meat and killed them by cutting there throats. So i don't really see nothing wrong if they kill them that way as long as they are not hurting that bad.

If they make all the poultry plants change over to that controlled atmosphere killing. I would be cost more money to some of the place that are not killing them cruel to begin with.

26) Hunting on National Wildlife Refuges – do not open any new public lands for hunting

I have always hunted, we don't shoot anything unless we are going to eat it or if it is a preadator. I don't see what they have against game lands. If you obey the laws and only shoot the limit they are doing good and not bad. A game land is also saving land from getting devolped.

just my opinion,
It is just another attempt by government and liberals to micro manage our lives. Everything eventually will be reduced to a kindergarten life style. Do what you are told and shut up.

The complaints that come out of slaughter methods being inhumane are usually due to human error. Most of our slaughter methods like bolt guns are the most humane way to kill an animal and if I were slaughtering those animals it's the way I would do it. Even just putting a sick/injured animal down these methods are often more humane than chemical euthanasia. The problem is the number of mistakes made. Animals not dying the first or sometimes even 3rd attempt because the person doing it either wasn't trained properly, doesn't care, or is just too dumb to carry out the job. My bf was telling me how he worked at a hog farm and sometimes they'd slam the cull piglets on the concrete 4 or 5 times to kill them because they couldn't do it right. My suggestion was everytime an animal fails to die on the first attempt to kill the person gets written up and reported. After so many strikes they get punished. No pay, extended training outside of working hours, or just no more job. I think people would put a lot more care into their job and we'd have a lot fewer of these incidents for the animal rights groups to yell about.

Not regulating things works fine if everyone were like those on this forum. The problem is there are plenty of people who don't care about the animals at all. If you fail to make any regulations many lives would suffer because of these people. I know I couldn't stand by and let it happen. If there were no laws for animal care and slaughter at minimum I'd either be raising all my own feed or joining the vegetarians.
The thing about slaughter laws...has anyone ever watch Hugh Fearnley Wittingstall's British program on being a "small holder" as they call it there? Each season is a variation on the title River Cottage. Very interesting program, but I digress...

He has to pay people to butcher animals that he would prefer to butcher at home. He has a hard time finding butchers who will save the offal and other parts (he believes the most humane use of animals is to use every part) for him. He is a strong believer in humane practices, organic gardening, and shopping local, all the things many of us are interested in as well, and the UK laws are getting in the way of this kind of vision, in the name of being more humane.

I am more concerned about the butchering laws than I am the shipping of chicks . In the name of stopping mega slaughterhouse practices, they may also be stopping our right to home butcher or hire out to small, clean butchers who do things the old fashioned way.

That said, I guess it will all depend on who Obama decides to befriend and then push their agendas...
Wouldn't this put a lot of people out of business?? I mean the not being able to ship chicks, ducklings etc through the mail..
not neccesarily, instead of 5 really big hatcheries in the country there would be a need created for a hatchery in every state again, or somewhere more local to all of us. It may even increase the demand for our own hatched chicks. Supply and demand, Instead of 1.50 per chick, you may pay more, but it woud be a local job you would be supporting. I dont think that is such a bad thing.

Earlier someone talked about responsible use of game lands for hunting. The problem isnt so much that people are irresponsible, I believe most hunters to be respectful of thier game, and habitat, perhaps more so than some others who talk the talk, BUT the issue I believe, is the ever increasing numbers of hunters. We are increasing exponentially, and the land can not support all of us. We know it , and yet we keep still thinking in the singular. I am responsible, so why cant I? Well, cause there are 2 million more 'I's born every week! We have to limit some areas of wild land as a reserve, somewhere. Or there will be nothing wild left.

remember the organization is putting forth thier highest hopes in an effort to raise awareness and concern, when you 'haggle' at a flea market, the seller is going to start with a hoped for price, and you come back with a really low price, in a hope to find out what is the ctual negotiated middle of the road price. A bill like this may well put the post office workers in the hot seat, or simply increase proper packing practises. It is the process of change for the better that we should examine and embrace. Not resist.

As to slaughtering animals, I am with the organization on that one. I have seen the videos of mass production slaughter of chickens, and the callous nature of the people forced to do it is something that has haunted me. There are other methods than the controlled atmosphere, including an electric water bath, that is very efficient, BUT it must be done correctly, and a well know chicken restaurant is under a lot of fire now, cause they turned down the voltage in order to save moeny, and they were scalding live birds.

I know we need to make a profit to survive, but not at the expense of a living feeling animals last moments. I will pay the higher price to know the animals were dealt with humanely, not cheaply.

Ok, now the disclaimer, this is all just my humble opinion, and is not meant to offend anyone! I think at heart we all want to do what is right, sometimes the higher ups just forget to leave room in the budget for whats right. Thats when we must step in.
the government should require that all live animals be shipped express, not priority, and strengthen the guidelines for handling by USPS personnel.
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