

In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
Has anyone used this? Its made by incubator warehouse. I just got one and hooked it up to my little giant that has less than a week till hatch. Just wondered what everyone an thoughts are on it? I will post hatch results. I have turkey and guinea eggs in this time. Letting my chickens try hatching their own this time.
I'm thinking why does it cost the same as a 112 egg auto-turn incubator, and it's not even the incubator.

I think for $3.50 of so you can get one of these, hook it to a fan and put the fan onto any water filled container inside the incubator.

that's what I am going to put in my next incubator, I'm going to build it into an old fridge, the thermostats which have displays and are settable cost less than these modules and I just need to work out the auto - turner and I can probably build and sell a few to neighbors.
I'm thinking why does it cost the same as a 112 egg auto-turn incubator, and it's not even the incubator.

I think for $3.50 of so you can get one of these, hook it to a fan and put the fan onto any water filled container inside the incubator.

that's what I am going to put in my next incubator, I'm going to build it into an old fridge, the thermostats which have displays and are settable cost less than these modules and I just need to work out the auto - turner and I can probably build and sell a few to neighbors.
Gotta link for this little piece of kit?
My hatch rate was over 80%.
The humidikit is expensive however it is made by only one company and they can charge what they want.
I also have incubators with fans that have all the sensors. The humidikit hooks into two of these as well and helps keep the humidity stable, especially in the very unstable weather we are having now. Just keeping water in the tray and the fan running sometimes isn't enough especially for high humidity hatches like ducks, geese, and turkey. I don't use it t on my quail but I use it on everything else from chicken to emu.
Gotta link for this little piece of kit?

just do a search on your favorite site. Online auction or whatever. I don't really like to pick one. The pics are from fleabay, there is alibaba or taobao if you can read chinese and want even lower prices than ebay. I wish I could read chinese.

Just search for temperature controller and then search for humidity switch and probably humidity display would complete the trio of hard to get parts. All of them cost less than $4 each.
The humidikit is expensive however it is made by only one company and they can charge what they want.
Just keeping water in the tray and the fan running sometimes isn't enough especially for high humidity hatches like ducks, geese, and turkey. I don't use it t on my quail but I use it on everything else from chicken to emu.
lol. yes, I'm sure it works well on your flock of emus, so what is wrong with people using a humidity display and water in a tray ? Birds from a planet where the humidity varies with the weather might possibly tolerate a plus or minus 1-2 percent change in humidity without up and dying.

People go for dry hatches, where there is no control of the humidity. I find that works well in wet weather.

Still, I like the idea of putting about $10 worth of electronics into a fridge along with a power supply and fan from an old computer and then it will do the works. Temperature and humidity no problem. A fan over a tub of water is just as obviously what this 'charge what they like' item does, so it's not brain surgery to stick a fan over a container of water inside the fridge and measure if that works on the $4 display which shows temperature and humidity. When it works, you've saved yourself a fortune. A fortune that can better be spent building the evil chicken empire you intend to take over the world. You know what I mean, we all need a chicken empire. Preferably evil.

So two fans, one for heat over the heater, one for humidity over the water. A $4 controller for each. Done.
All that is fine if you have the electronic know how. I have done dry hatches in spring but as the weather warms I have to use humidity. Its all about each areas specific environment as to how much humidity you need. I have trouble with water in the trays. It works as long as the temp and humidity stay stable outside but fluctuations cause trouble for me so I am forced to be a little more elaborate than others might need. I have had successful hatches without any humidity control on quail and chickens. But ducks and others must have a higher humidity than I can get with just the trays of water. Basically what works for one person may not be right for someone else. If you can build your own I say go for it. But I know better than to even attempt it as I don't have the knowledge to do it and with six kids I don't have the time to sit down and try to figure it out.
I would have lost a hatch of turkey poults if it hadn't been for the humidikit. So I like the product and it has helped me immensely. I only have one for 6 incubators. I just switch it around to the closest one to hatch and use it thru the hatch and then move it to the next one.
I actually just got the humidikit for Christmas and ive got hooked up to my incuview incubator right now ,just calibrating all temps and im going to put some eggs in !
While I do have the know to put a one together I do not have the want to do so id rather just have a simple one and done unit so this is perfec for me. Plus I know if I have any issues incubator warehouse will absolutely take care of me .
So anyway im excited about this little sucker so let's see how it improves my hatch rate :):)

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