Hunger Game Hate *vent*

15! The prime age for being swept up in such a craze! Crossing my fingers for you, but you may need to call upon some ancient voodoo to break that curse
Haha yep. I hope it breaks SOON!!! :D
You think that's bad....just wait until your granddaughter starts wearing her hair in a braid over her right shoulder and starts asking for archery lessons......
LOL!!! She sooo would!! Well she started asking my dad if she could use the bows from the attic....I think she would put her hair in a braid but she has a vcut lol
Tell your parents to buy a wood cookstove...It will be your sister's job to keep the thing going...No heat, no eat....She has to cut, split, haul, start and stoke the fire...and don't forget to empty the ashpan....Game over.
I'm sure it will wear off after a while. I know how you feel. We have a group of girls at my school who are just like that with Harry Potter. And I mean seriously obsessed. Every project they do has a Harry Potter theme. I have a locker next to one of the girls and when her freinds come over to chat, it's usually about Harry Potter.I don't have a problem with Harry Potter, or these girls, but they're definitely going too far.
Tell your parents to buy a wood cookstove...It will be your sister's job to keep the thing going...No heat, no eat....She has to cut, split, haul, start and stoke the fire...and don't forget to empty the ashpan....Game over.
LOL awesome idea xD
I'm sure it will wear off after a while. I know how you feel. We have a group of girls at my school who are just like that with Harry Potter. And I mean seriously obsessed. Every project they do has a Harry Potter theme. I have a locker next to one of the girls and when her freinds come over to chat, it's usually about Harry Potter.I don't have a problem with Harry Potter, or these girls, but they're definitely going too far.
Yep. Sounds about right! :)

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