Hungry fox after my ducks! :o(


8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Mid-Coast, Maine
My Coop
My Coop
Last Thursday I lost one of my ducks, Ming-Ming. I forgot to close them in the coop last night and something came and snatched it with no sign as to where she went or what happened to her. Last night I hear a small thud noise. I go look out the window and there was a fox circling the coop and pacing the fence. Jumping at every flinch my ducks made. They've been locked inside their coop since we lost Ming-Ming and haven't free-ranged at all. (Nor will they for a long, LONG time). I have no idea what to do. Some say shoot him, some say get a Havahart trap. I don't know! This is my first time with ducks and my first time dealing with a predator.
How you dispatch it is your decision. If you want to try to trap it foxes can be tricky. Sorry for your loss
Thank you! I wish there was an unwritten rule with animals of the wild, "If it's someones beloved pet, it's OFF LIMITS!"
My ducks are/were the most loving ducks. I now know why people refer to them as a "sly old fox".
I lost 3 girls to a fox before I ran 2x4 wire around the entire driveway area and got a dog. The wire won't stop a fox but it keeps the dog in the same area as the girls when they are out. Then we met our first hawk
The girls don't free-range here anymore either.
Are you against shooting him, or just haven't had a chance to get a good shot at him? I'm sorry for your loss
BTW, have you ever thought of getting an automatic door for your coop? They sell them and that way your duckies could free range and you wouldn't have to worry about remembering to close their door each night right at dark.
So far, a couple of strands of electric wire have discouraged predators here, and we have many.

I use a battery powered fence charger so we don't lose protection when the electricity goes out.
I've never understood why we breed these animals to be fat and defenseless and un-able to fly and then COMPLAIN when stuff kills them

however, I do understand, I've lost several ducks to foxes, and while I was always upset, I found I was a bit more watchful and careful next time

sorry for you loss though.
The only problem i see with an automatic door is what about the 1 or 2 that stays out just a little too long and then decides it's time to go in? I have a couple that love to test the limits, not so much this time of year but in the spring and summer when it starts getting warm and light longer.

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