Hurt leg

Ditto the sniff test. That is one sense that I wonder if we use enough. Today I was able to be sure Elfie had had some of the water I set out with nutri-drench by smelling her breath.

And 70%cocoa, just a couple of months ago I discovered the many uses of Epsom salts. I remember when I was a kid, mom used to soak in it, would soak our sprains and bruises in it, threaten to use it on us as a laxative (!). It is good for plants with certain nutrient deficiencies, too. Very versatile material.
Ive been having big time Internet problems the last few days. Its been going in and out it posted a post I tried to send at night in the morning. I think your right about the balance thing when she's sitting or standing its not down unless she has been trying to walk. The other ducks took off for a while and when they came back they couldn't stand not being able to get in the pen so they all stayed in there keeping her company most of the day. It was coming a big storm any way.

What's the best way to soak their leg in Epsom salt just put it in a small tub? She keeps trying to drink it. I remember reading a better way on here but can't remember. To be honest I don't read a lot of them because the predator ones were really starting to get to me. I don't know a lot about sick ducks so I couldn't be of any help any way.
Ive been having big time Internet problems the last few days. Its been going in and out it posted a post I tried to send at night in the morning. I think your right about the balance thing when she's sitting or standing its not down unless she has been trying to walk. The other ducks took off for a while and when they came back they couldn't stand not being able to get in the pen so they all stayed in there keeping her company most of the day. It was coming a big storm any way.
What's the best way to soak their leg in Epsom salt just put it in a small tub? She keeps trying to drink it. I remember reading a better way on here but can't remember. To be honest I don't read a lot of them because the predator ones were really starting to get to me. I don't know a lot about sick ducks so I couldn't be of any help any way.
When I was soaking my drakes leg I would place him in a bucket of warm epsom salt water and hold him just so his legs were not touching the bottom. He'd have a good long at least 20-30 min soak.
I want to thank you all for such speedy replies and excellent advice. She is doing much better she is still limping slightly. She walks on her leg some and is getting around pretty good.

It was so funny I would let the other ducks out and it was useless they would forage a bit then go right back to the pen trying to get in. This happened two days, we were having a lot of rain so it was ok they were happy in there. The third day I had a lot of outside work to do so I let them out and they went straight to the pool. I carried her to the pool and she basically stayed around it all day. They wanted her to go to the creek but it's like she knew she couldn't and didn't budge. She came around to the front and would get in the bushes and watch them. Yesterday George couldn't take it no more so he went to the creek without them. The mallards just stayed around the house basically near the pool. Today she appears to be doing a lot better and is out at the creek bank foraging. I'm going to keep a close eye on her and maybe have to put her up if she appears to be limping worse.
Limping that progresses to not using wings and more weakness could mean your mallard is getting a virus. How are her droppings...are they firm or runny? Ducks that simply have a leg injury don't necessarily hide in the bushes. Is she still eating well, or has her food consumption changed?
She appear to be on the mend I think. She was still eating and her droppings appear normal a little runny but my duck don't really have solid droppings. Are they suppose to? She only dropped the other side wing the very first day when she tried to walk. Her wing has appeared normal since then.

The first day that I let her out she stayed in the pool most of the day or beside it sleeping. She did go in the bushes when the other ducks were out front though but she didn't stay in them the whole day. I thought her foot was hurting and she wouldn't run so I thought she was being smart and taking cover. I really don't know though she might have something else my ducks have never had a problem before so this is all new to me.
She appear to be on the mend I think. She was still eating and her droppings appear normal a little runny but my duck don't really have solid droppings. Are they suppose to? She only dropped the other side wing the very first day when she tried to walk. Her wing has appeared normal since then.
The first day that I let her out she stayed in the pool most of the day or beside it sleeping. She did go in the bushes when the other ducks were out front though but she didn't stay in them the whole day. I thought her foot was hurting and she wouldn't run so I thought she was being smart and taking cover. I really don't know though she might have something else my ducks have never had a problem before so this is all new to me.
Happy to hear she is on the mend.

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