husband does not share the same passion for my chickens that i do.


11 Years
Apr 26, 2011
he likes the small flock we have.but he disagress on the wire i wanted for the addition to our run.(he was not happy that i ask him to build an addition on the exsiting run)when i noticed a small opening in our coop.i worried that something may reach in and grab one of our pullets.i read on byc that pretators can and would reach through openings and grab their pray.when i suggest that this or that may need to be would have thought i ask him for the moon.sorry just need to rant and get it off my chest.i get so fustrated with him.
i love my chickens and they are my hobby.but he disagrees on the care and housing that i want to provide for them.
he is 63 and i'am 60 years old.our children and granchildren are grown.we are self employed and work full time..taking care of my small me something to look forward gets me up in the mornings.and gives me something to go home to in the evenings.thanks again for letting me rant.
he would not let me pay for someone else to do it.he's a penny pincher.he will do it.but with alot of fussing and our 44 years of marriage,i have never ask him for much.he just don't see the point in adding another run.he resents the work,money and time spent on it.its always been his way or no way.i don't mean to be bashing him.he's good husband.but very old school.
Have you given any thought to just doing it yourself? A run isn't nearly the work a coop is...don't think I would want to tackle making a coop, but I might have a go at making a run :) Might you have a friend, neighbor or relative who'd be willing to help?

After all, you already have an investment in the chickens, it would be a waste to let them get preyed on at this point (of course, we simply don't want to see our "babies" hurt, but that tack might impress him at least a little, since it's so logical) LOL
why can't you try to do it yourself?

I am useless at DIY and making things, but I managed to make a nice run for my chickens - and it was fun, although it took several days! I am sure you can do it!
i don't think i could lift a roll of wire.i would have to dig holes for my post.i don't think i have the phyical streanth to do it.
You know, I have the same problem with my husband. I had to have my Uncle and Father who are both in their sixties come and do it while my husband wouldn't even go outside.

He finally just saw the inside of the coop a couple days ago and admitted it was a job well done!

He wont even eat the eggs! AT ALL!!!!

I asked him - what did you think I was going to do when I bought this 10 acres??? Have a big yard?? Not likely.

3 horses, 1 adorable pony, 1 onery mini hinny, 3 rabbits, 4 goats, 3 dogs, 3 cats and 13 hens 1 little roo. =)

Just wait til he wants something and then say - wellllllllll - I have this run that needs building and if you dont do it, I'm going to get some sexy man off of craigslist to come complete my honey-do list!

Nevermind, he'd probably make you move into the coop with that one.
I was able to scare my husband into making me a bigger coop. He is very concerned about our yard looking nice. When he took too long to start my new coop project I threw on some old clothes, grabbed a hammer, some nails and a random bucket of paint and informed him I was going to build one myself. He had my new coop finished within a week.
my girls have a run but i wanted more run room for them.he just don't think its needed.i shouldn't say this but he's gotten really lazy.all he wants to do is sit and watch baseball.i said something about the run this morning.he told me it may be cheaper to buy a dog run.i priced it this morning.and it is not cheap.oh well it is what it is.
and its good to see that i'am not the only one that has issues with the husband.(as you can see i did not say dh)
bucky52 wrote: i don't think i could lift a roll of wire.i would have to dig holes for my post.i don't think i have the phyical strength to do it.
Call around, some places will cut to your specs (10'-20' ft, etc. from 100ft. rolls). Using T-posts instead of digging fence posts saves time and energy (hardest part of job - invite a friend over for coffee and have him/her hold it as you drive it in - they do sell `sleeves' with hand holds that fit over the top of posts and you just have to lift and drop/lift and drop - probably available to rent). Cutting the fencing is pretty effortless with a pair of cutters (pic below - Pro Grade CR-V 15408) quick work on welded wire/hardware cloth. A wheeled garden cart substitutes for brute strength in moving items around. If simply extending run by L or W the side of fencing removed can be reused between new posts. Some nylon cordage and UV resistant cable ties are good for holding/attaching fencing (temp. if nothing else - hold one end to one post while you work the end of the same section on next post). Plan it out and do it. You and your chooks will appreciate it. Post up shots of run in coops forum section and you'll get way better advice than this. Post up shots when you complete the project :)

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