Hutch the Halfie **The Last Chapter on Pg. 18**

I'm so very sorry, Erin. Hutch was such a special boy, and was so lucky that you found him. I know your boys will never forget him. The horse world needs more people like you.
Wow, I just read this thread from start to heartbreaking finish.
This needs to be set as a novella. From hope and anxiety, to laughter and new friends, and then to a finish that causes even an old cynic's eyes to well up.

Thank you for sharing Hutch's story with us. BTW, he looked absolutley wonderful after being in your care. Amazing what love can do.

Best wishes to all of you.

So sorry for your loss. I'm glad he turned out to be the best pony you could have asked for though. I'm sure you will find another buddy that just needs love. Unfortunately its a growing problem out there.
thanks everyone.. it did make for a neat story and even sad.. I think it was a happy ending. Wyatt wants to go down and visit Hutchie's grave in the evenings when we walk. He asks me what's going to happen when he wakes up.
I guess no time like now to get into some of life's more depressing details. I just tell him the basics and, if he asks no more questions, I give no more answers. He seems comfortable with where things are and, I believe, it's from already losing chickens and having to cull chicks for whatever reason and such. Farm life can be tough. I wouldn't change it for anything as my children may be somewhat hardened to things like this but, they will also develop a deep respect for life and an appreciation of those we share our time with.. even if it's just for a little while.

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