I am amazed at the girls' awesome vision


9 Years
May 16, 2010
south portland, maine
I kept believe how our girls can see! If I am walking in a room by a sliding glass door and they are out in the yard, they will run across the yard (1/3 acre), fly up the deck stairs and come to the door. I don't even know how they can see from their angle! LOL.

One will hang around bawking until I open the door and talk with her. If I don't pay attention, she'll hang around for 10 minutes and then give up and go back to the yard to free range.
I am always surprised by the things they can do.
Yesterday, a bear visited us. I was around front with the hens in their pen when my rooster Penrod raised an awful racket. He's in the rooster wing of the run and it's enclosed with plastic panels to protect from winter weather, and at best, he can only see out a half-inch gap in between the panels every four feet. The bear was fifty feet away, and he had no trouble seeing it and raising the alarm. The same thing happened when a hawk visited us a couple years ago. He's got amazing vision, and is a superior watch dog.

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