I am in a legal duck-pickle


Jun 12, 2018
I know most of you don't live where I live: still would love your views.

I accidentally made myself my countries "go to" on topics of Indian runners.

Next to a non-stop stream of idiotic questions like "when is my male duck going to lay eggs?" many local animal ambulances en political people call me..

Because apprently they want to make certain ways of keeping Indian runners illigal. Which I agree with. But it is like secret? And.. I don't know what to do with thát? They engage with me like it is a secret? And I think "I don't get it random person working for the goverment in far away little town X that calls me now; maybe just state on your local government website that it is now illigal? I'm not the the person in power here? =/"

I feel like getting unwantedly involved in a political agenda? But maybe I AM actually more the expert then I think? Maybe they look up to me because I'm actual someone with knowledge? My face just mainly keeps getting stuck on"=/???

Any thoughts/vision wanted so atleast my face can get out of =/??? and relax more.
Any insight on the 'ways of keeping Indian Runners' that would be made illegal?

Yes. Many people with Indian runners dump them in nature if they weren't like they expected. And due to the lack of flight they often end up in animal ambulance because they get run over by cars or predatory animals they can't fight against since they are not equipped for the predatory animals over here. Also the children they make with the "wild duck" inheret the lack of flight. It's dominant. And the "wild duck" (maybe called common duck in English?) is an endagered species here that well.. gets more endangered by mating with this exotic creature.

So: it will be made illigal to let your Indian runners roam freely. and you need to keep them on your own property.
Were are you located? Are you in the Netherlands?
Our wild ducks are called Mallard ducks.
I think one person thought you are with knowledge and got your name rolling.
Most of those things start in secret and some stay in secret.
Yes. Hence "wild duck" because the Dutch term is "wilde". For mallard. But it is the same species. The mallard duck is endangered over here. Thanks for correcting me.
Personally I think its completely fair to have to keep all your animals on your property and not just let them roam wherever they want.
Personally I think its completely fair to have to keep all your animals on your property and not just let them roam wherever they want.
I wholeheartedly agree, especially when it comes to cats. If someone gets a cat just to leave it outdoors what is the point? It's not a companion, the cat gets no love or affection. But I have to deal with the birds it kills. I feed birds because I like watching them. I hate to think I'm responsible for them being slaughtered because someone "wanted" a cat just to roam around outside.

Even worse are feral cats. My neighbor feeds couple of them but they come up to my yard, sleep under my deck & again ambush & kills birds & other wildlife. Pretty sure it either killed a skunk or got sprayed by one. Had my windows open & it stunk up the house for 3 days.

I read (if true) that feral cats have contributed to the extinction of 34 animal species although I don't know how they would know that. And they kill billions of birds & animals every year. They're a menace. I really should call animal control to take care of those 2.

EDIT: Sorry I had to vent. I really dislike people that buy "pets" then just let them go in the wild. Most aren't able to deal with the wild since they've been domesticated & will die horrible death. Or they decimate native populations of animals. Either way it's bad bad bad.
Personally I think its completely fair to have to keep all your animals on your property and not just let them roam wherever they want.
Me too. I am SO glad we did that with dogs. I have visteted countries without a forced rule on dogs.. still can't get the many images out of my head of ways dogs dead bodies can be like dead next to the highway and noone cares; or being chased by a pack at night. I don't even like dogs but it haunts me; their dead bodies. Being al weird and stiff an sht. And the pack-attack stuff.

I believe those animal ambuclance workers that call me: I believe in keep your own animals on your own property. I might even be extreme? Cats is an issue here; we live so close on top of each other.. many neighbour fights are about cats.. Just keep your animal on your own property and don't make it someone elses problem/pet.

I agree with those people that call me. I just don't like getting involved in something? The secrecy is what annoys me. And baffles/startles me. And makes me go like.. hmmmmm.. mmmm.. distrusting face

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