I am smitten


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Sand Coulee MT
I bought a couple of goslings from a ranch supply place in April. I lucked out and managed to get a male and female. Ive never owned geese before just chickens. Im blown away by these geese. They are wicked smart and really entertaining. The male is more cautious and fearful , the female is bolder and quick to take action investigating something new. The male follows her lead. When I leave for work they follow me to the gate and call for me to come back and come running to greet me when I get back home. I had no idea geese were such cool birds.
I don't personally have geese, but I find my poultry to be very entertaining, smarter than most people give them credit for, and very curious. They make great pets, and are much cheaper than any parrot you could get.

Its awesome that you've got such excellent birds!
Yes, geese are extraordinary birds. What you say is typical, about them coming to greet you and the female being more bold. I can't say enough good things about geese!

I can't find the story now, but years ago a pet goose saved a little boy's life. The boy was attacked by a large stray dog and the goose fought it off.
I have a pair male and female buff geese, I love em, they're so sociable.
My female is more timid and laid back, whereas the male is more dominant and the take charge kind of fella. :)

I love it when they come to greet me.

Ever raised ducks? I have a pekin and rouen, there also semi social, not as much as the geese I have though.

Good luck with your geese. :D
They're insanely smart. My goose Pear can climb up the stairs, if you're holding a bowl he'll tilt his head and follow you around to see if you have food for him, but if you have a plate he ignores it because we only feed him with bowls!

If we pull out a long row of paper towels he RUNS to the spot where we feed him and waits for us to put the paper towel down so he won't make a mess.

He definitely knows his name! And he knows my Great Pyrenees is ok to harass but he stays away from my Golden Retriever.

If you open his cage door he'll walk in and start preening or go to sleep. And if you put your hand on the ground he'll walk into it.

He also knows voices, if I call him he'll come to me but if anyone else does he'll ignore them. Definitely knows faces, too.
They're insanely smart. My goose Pear can climb up the stairs, if you're holding a bowl he'll tilt his head and follow you around to see if you have food for him, but if you have a plate he ignores it because we only feed him with bowls!

If we pull out a long row of paper towels he RUNS to the spot where we feed him and waits for us to put the paper towel down so he won't make a mess.

He definitely knows his name! And he knows my Great Pyrenees is ok to harass but he stays away from my Golden Retriever.

If you open his cage door he'll walk in and start preening or go to sleep. And if you put your hand on the ground he'll walk into it.

He also knows voices, if I call him he'll come to me but if anyone else does he'll ignore them. Definitely knows faces, too.
That is so adorable!
My gosling chickenwing is able to tell if it's me or my husband just from our style of walking. She can also tell when she is in our bedroom versus other rooms for sleep and gets really excited if she hits the bedroom lol.
Don't forget, they can tell time too! I'm not kidding! Cas knows as it's approaching time for me to get home from work and starts pacing and looking at the door! (I didn't believe this myself until Hub took a video!) He can be clear at the other side of the house and when I get home he loudly cries out this loooooooooooong noise that I swear sounds like "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" LOL and comes running to me! All my neighbors know when I get home! LOL The other night, I was a few minutes late home and Hub said he just sat at the door looking out the window and making these soft little honks until my car pulled up! I heard him clear across the yard from INSIDE my car! LOL They are WAY smart!

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