I am so completely disgusted - Updated

The DAs office called today to get some additional information about the parasite. She told me that they had been having a great response from the people that had been contacted with requests for copies of checks and that sort of thing. I was so cheered to hear this as I had visions of our little case sitting on a shelf moldering while they went after bigger fish. I told her how much Bob and I appreciate their efforts and that while it's unlikely we'll ever see a dime of the money, we would like to put him out of commission even if it's only for a while. At least he won't be ripping anyone else off during that time.

You were all so kind when I first posted thus that I wanted to share the good news
CLOSURE.... heard late yesterday from the DAs office that he had accepted a plea deal yesterday. The felony will be on his record, he got probation, and he must pay full restitution including court costs.

The most important thing is that with a felony record, perhaps this will never happen to another employer. We had pretty much decided that the money didn't matter as long as he was convicted so that's a bonus, lol.

Glad this chapter is closed and that justice prevailed.
I am happy that things worked out in the end. It will be interesting to see if he complies with the court order.
I agree, bugged. But...... He doesn't get off of probation until its paid in full. At least to me, that would seem like a huge motivation, but who knows....
Just came across this and I'm happy you are getting a positive out come. I graduated this spring with an associates in accounting, and one thing they drilled in our heads is if you own a business have a third party look over your books to look for discrepancies so if your book keeper or tax person is screwing with you (or anyone else who has their hands in the piggy bank) will have a hard time keeping it a secret probably need to be done 1-4 times a year. Also if the IRS ever comes knocking it's more help to a defense that you had an unbiased set of eyes looking over your books occasionally to make sure you where reporting things in the right fashion in the correct time period.
Remuda, I'm glad your situation was officially resolved and hopefully you'll be seeing some of that money come back in. I also highly recommend "The Sociopath Next Door", it might help you spot people like this guy in the future.

As for your husband helping "hard cases" over and over, while it's great that he wants to help people, I would point out to him that there are plenty of people who are good kind and hard working that are looking hard for a good employer, and he's passing over all of them because someone has a sob story that they're howling out for everyone to hear. Wouldn't he rather STOP someone from becoming a hard case by giving someone a good job before they get desperate? That might help appease his need to help others.
Preaching to the choir, Gryphon. Thankfully, after all of this I believe his charity will be donated to organizations that help those in need. One good outcome is that the person we hired to replace the vermin is a great employee who truly has the company's best interest in mind.

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