I am so frustrated with DH right now!


13 Years
May 26, 2009
Western MA
My DH is very allergic to wheat. He felt that he was reacting from the layer pellets I was using, so a couple of months ago we came up with a custom mash based on the Fertrell formula. The birds are doing well on it. The problem is that it is a pain in the butt to make. Every time we start running low, I very nicely tell him that it is time to mix another batch. Three days later when we are almost out, I tell him again. Then the feed runs out and I have to make it myself! I've done that twice and I will NOT do it again.

Am I being unreasonable in insisting that he take responsibility for mixing the feed? I do ALL of the other chicken chores, every day. The only thing he does is collect eggs when he's hungry! I can't even get him to close the pop door at night... often I don't get home until 9pm! The thing that kills me is that it was his idea to get chickens. I was opposed to it, but of course I loved them from the first peep. If it were up to me, we would be feeding nice, convenient, pellets. But no... he won't tolerate having wheat around even though I kept it in a bin OUTSIDE and washed my hands with the hose before coming back in the house so as not to contaminate the doorknobs, etc. I can't believe that we actually fight about this!
I have allergies. I am responsible for my health. The rest of the world is not responsible for my allergies.

Children require supervision and education to learn how to deal with their allergies.

And you can glean from that what you will.
good luck.
I can not see anything in eggs that would be wheat based. If it was me, I would see if a regular bag of feed would promote his allergy. Do not tell him anything about the bags you bought in the feed bin nor indicate that you bought some feed. Say nothing and continue to feed it to them. Collect the eggs for him at least a week or two, letting him eat the eggs. If he has NO reaction to it, then you will know for sure. Sure, you would wash your hands before coming in the house but something tells me that he isn't allergic to them or their eggs, regardless of what the chickens are eating. OR he may be allergic to eggs itself along with wheat allergy.

If he left that up to you in caring for the chickens and you sure like them, by all means, take them all of his hands and they're yours. Do whatever you need to do to care for them and the manner you want to use them.

If you do not want to care for them in the first place, then find them good homes!

Wish you luck!
Keep a couple of bags of layer pellets on hand. Tell him when you are running low. If it runs out, use the pellets until he mixes new stuff. That way, if he has a problem, it's one he created.
I am a rebel. Just a little disclaimer ahead of time.

I think you have done everything very well. If it were me, at this point, I would let my beloved know (in a nice discussion outside the heat of the moment) that I am perfectly happy to feed the mash to the chickens, but it's really difficult for me to find the time to make it. If it's too much trouble for him to help, then it must not be that much of an allergic reaction, and I will just go back to buying the pellets. If there's mash made, I'll feed mash. If not, I hit the feed store.

(Just saw HorseJody's post - - - "Yeah, what she said"
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I am actually gluten intolerant too... DH is WAY more sensitive than me and I do not envy his reactions, but sometimes I think he takes it too far. If I buy pellets I will never hear the end of it. I do respect his decision not to have wheat around, but since in this case it is massively inconvenient, he needs to step up! I guess it is the principle more than anything. He insists that we do things a certain way, so in my opinion he should take charge.

He is not concerned with gluten getting passed into the eggs. Just the dust from the wheat feed. We are also soy and dairy-free for the most part. (Him 100%, Me at home)

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