I am the Possum Battler!


9 Years
Apr 10, 2010
Wow - first predator... found a possum in my coop when I went to close it up. Beat the heck out of him with a rake but he got away... I am hoping that he at least decided the meal wasnt worth the bruises! If he does - I have a spear I borrowed from my dad - yes- a spear - sharp as hell on the end of a stick spear.... so I do have a better weapon this time. I don't want to fire a gun in my coop... it's too small and I don't want to cause that damage...

I have never ever killed an animal in anger - but when i saw him and knew my girls were in danger - I went into a rage.... felt like a tigress protecting her cubs! Plus I was PMSing... not a good day for a possum to decide he wanted a snack...

Here's a fun mental image for ya - a big ol fat lady - wearing a hoodie... jeans... snow boots and gloves - battling a possum in a chicken coop with a rake... You're welcome for the laugh!
It's a lot less frantic to use a live trap then trying to clobber a varmint with a rake. (I used a spading fork the first time) And some varmints can be vicious if cornered.




Sounds like what I did when a coon got in my coop. I was so mad I didnt' have the sense to be scare. Beat him with a 2x4 and then a spade. I won't be shy. Now when I go out the back I whiz around the yard on anything wood. Haven't seen a pred since or at least in a long time. Just some rabbits and turkeys and deer. I guess if the rabbits ain't afraid to be in my yard at night things must be ok. Think I got some rabbits under the coop. Cat's can deal with the mice.

Gonna hang some green rags in the woods and keep them smelly. Gotta let the preds know your around. I suspect it only works with the male urine.

Sorry but it's the truth and seems to work.

Hope ya get the buggers

hahaha that IS a funny image. possums are awesome though. my boyfriend works with the wildlife rehab center here in RI - helps ween orphaned possums on to carrion. then we get to release them in the woods (FAR AWAY- like 20 mi from our house) and they hobble off and sometimes climb trees to get away from you! they're the cutest when they're babies though and will wrap their curly tails around your finger and you can pick them up without even trying to hold them, like in cartoons how they show possums holding onto a tree branch with their tail... they actually do it!

@rancher - my bantam cochins take care of the mice! i've found several in their coop, dead, with 4 broken legs and mangled up pretty bad... my chickens don't mess around!




the funniest part is that they make this sound sort of like a grumbly roar.

lol sorry i'm hijacking your thread.... back to the fat lady beating up a possum with a rake! ...
I saw the news story about the "cute" little cross eyed opossum. I didn't think it was at all cute. I went to the Facebook page and everyone was owwing and awwing over the cross eyed little predator and I was temped to chime in with my disdain, but didn't.
I catch and release them all the time, seriously probably 12 in the past two years.

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