I am totally getting discouraged about keeping chickens...


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI

Its just turning into a nightmare...

So I started off all chipper and excited. We moved out to a rural area and decided that big old dog kennel would be perfect for chickens . I'll be an empty nester soon myself and this would be a great hobby. I bought 6 silkie chix and 2 polish. I called city hall and they said chickens were allowed here. YAY!

I lost one chick at 1 week failure to thrive. I know its not unheard of but I foraged on. Then come to find out that my rural town has insane chicken laws, put in place one year ago! Yes you can have chickens BUT 1.5 acres per bird blah blah blah . I have just over an acre and that would make my 7 ILLEGAL.

Then I lost my scissorbeak and fave UGG, she just faded away no explanation.

I n light of the rules and one kitty corner neighbor who I think will give me trouble I rehomed my Polish roo and was hoping that was it for the roos.

The city code enforcer is out taking exterior house pictures on my street for property value reasons so the chicken coop is on hold and I'm praying we don't get a notice. I'm going to play the whole "it was like that when we moved in". The birds are in the garage hiding out last week and this. If we hear nothing, I'll put them back out and we'll finish up the coop.

Then this morning my blue silkie starts CROWING! Can't keep a quiet flock with a loud roo. Upon examination, one of the other silkies has a very tiny comb so roo or not I have no idea. This will put me to 4 possibly 3. I do have a friend of a friend who has agreed to take my blue roo and if I had to give her another she may take that one but CMON ALREADY!!

I so enjoy my birds, its so peaceful to watch them scratch and run around but maybe this is just not meant to be.

I'm very sad
I can hardly blame you for being discouraged! Please know that you have legions of chicken lovers here who understand, and we're all hoping you get a good outcome. Please keep us posted!
Don't lose hope! Consider putting that coop in a less visible spot. You are allowed one chicken, and that is enough to justify existance. This will all blow over soon, and your chicken population will refurbish. Believe in Zen!
Don't give up! Chickens are TOTALLY worth lots of hard work, but there is a stopping point. However, our government is for the people and by the people. You've got a problem with a chicken law? Make a case, and put up a general fuss to change it. Make very good points about how and why backyard chickens are beneficial in your area and why it should be easier for you to have them. Show your neighbors how awesome chickens really are!!! If you are well organized, and promote your cause, you just might be in sight of happy chicken-keeping-hood.

There will be no hiding this coop - and its disheartening but the chicken laws were changed last year so not sure what shot in hell I stand. We'll see where we land.
Some creative landscaping and it could look like any other storage building out there
Don't give up!!! I am too a recently empty nester and the chickens are just what the doctor ordered!!
Use the search function and look for the Michigan Right To Farm Act (MRTFA). You have every right to have your chickens and many more despite what your township says. If they give you trouble, print out the act and highlight the amendment that nullifies all local ordinances. Also print out a copy of the GAAMPS and highlight the section on poultry, make sure you are following them to the letter. If that doesn't work, call your state representative. We have the best right to farm act in the country. Use it, it's your right.
In addition to claiming your right to farm, can you plant attractive landscaping and vines around your beautiful coop?
That's not a coop, it's a cute little barn! And those aren't chickens, they are fuzzy ground parrots!

My advice is to try to get the chickens set up in a secure coop without investing a lot of money, or if you do, build it in a way that it can serve another purpose if needed. Get however many chickens you want. It is very possible the neighbors won't complain. I live very close to my neighbors and my chickens can be loud sometimes, but my neighbors love my chickens. If you do get complaints, you will have no problem rehoming young hens. It would be tough because it's normal to get attached, but I think very much worth a try because keeping chickens is such a great hobby, you will love it. I can tell you are "one of us"

If you get more chickens, note that some are louder than others. Breed plays a role but individual personalities do to. I have had to re-home some especially noisy hens to the country, as well as one surprise rooster.

Good luck. And if you do end up fighting for your right to farm, you could be helping so many others down the road - a very worthy cause. 1.5 ACRES per chicken? That is CRAZY! If anything should be illegal how about tasteless eggs from factory chickens can't move, scratch or see the sun during their entire miserable lives.

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