I believe I have a hermaphrodite chicken

Ah, okay. Miscommunication then. I just figured you either read it wrong or quoted me instead of another.
Well of all the things I've been accused of, not being good with technology is the one that is absolutely true. I found it's a lot of fun to walk the roosters and the hens, everybody likes to walk their dog, but nobody stops their truck in the middle of the road and says " is that a dog on a leash? " But I have had them stop and ask "Is that a chicken on a leash?"
Well of all the things I've been accused of, not being good with technology is the one that is absolutely true. I found it's a lot of fun to walk the roosters and the hens, everybody likes to walk their dog, but nobody stops their truck in the middle of the road and says " is that a dog on a leash? " But I have had them stop and ask "Is that a chicken on a leash?"
I think it's something everyone can enjoy!
I believe that's a "Walnut", but not sure. I read it's common in one of the breeds that could have sired him

For the chicken photos you posted just before that comment, I am pretty sure he has a rose comb.

Walnut is genetically rose comb and pea comb, and usually looks a bit different. But it is quite possible for a chicken with walnut comb to produce a chick with rose comb, by just passing on the rose comb gene and not the pea comb gene.
For the chicken photos you posted just before that comment, I am pretty sure he has a rose comb.

Walnut is genetically rose comb and pea comb, and usually looks a bit different. But it is quite possible for a chicken with walnut comb to produce a chick with rose comb, by just passing on the rose comb gene and not the pea comb gene.
Yeah I have chickens with several variations of combs, and some of them do like they're kind of a cross between this and that. And I know they serve a purpose but I think it's kind of cool
@CityFarmerRob , Vick was hatched from an egg from your personal flock, is that correct? Do you have both barred/cuckoo roosters and barred/cuckoo hens in your flock? Sexlinks can be created using barred hens, which is why I am asking.
Yes Vic was hatched from a clutch of eggs that I took from my hens. The hens I believe were five or six different breeds, I was a rural King and you have to get six and so I just got to whatever they had which goes to show how little I understood about taking care of chickens when I started. The mail is a Rhode Island red and I caught him in the neighborhood, even running around the city streets and there was in the beginning several of them but he seem to be the only one that survived. And so he is the male and the female I'm pretty sure was a Dominique. So they're all different while two or three or four or five of them look similar. All of them very beautiful birds. I hope that answers your question if not then we'll try again.
Ohh that without a doubt confirms Vic is 100% a male! To get a barred female the father must be barred. Since the rooster isn't barred when you bred him to a barred hen such a Dominique you produce sex-links, solid daughters and Barred sons.
Okay, are you obviously understand the mechanics of how these chickens are made much more than I do. And like I mentioned earlier, I'm not disappointed if he is just a rooster because now I know something can happen even something as far-fetched as Vic. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

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