I bought a Jersey Milk Cow!!!! Butter, cheese & cream.......

I use my blender to make butter.
the part I hate is the washing it. Just seems to take forever.
I was actually told by one person to use a mason jar and a marble.

No thanks.
Yeah, the size of the udder has nothing to do with the amount of milk produced & the smaller the udder is, the better-far less health problems for the cow. However, nipple conformation & size is important both for the hand milker & machine milker.
Well, bought a old hand crank churn and butter mold to make butter with and a double boiler and temp guage so I can make cheese. Now if it will all just get here. I am so impatient, lol. I'm like a kid at Christmas!!!!
Be careful if it has wooden paddles. i have one and the wood has a rancid smell so I don't use it. My MIL told me it would transfer into the fresh butter.

I would love to have a butter mold.
Mine is used as well. I am waiting for it to arrive. It was just recently rebuilt and includes all but the pump which I bought today at Harbor Freight. I am just waiting to see if the 3 cfi 1/3 hp pump is going to be large enough to run the milker effectively. I think it will be.
DH is going to build me a vac resevoir this weekend. Fingers crossed that everything goes smooth and I can figure it all out, lol.

I hope you're still reading this thread! Did the 3 CFI pump work with your Surge milker? I just got the Surge (for my 4 dairy goats), but haven't yet gotten the pump. One I've been looking at puts out 3 CFI and I cant' find anything in the Surge specs that tells me if that's enough.
No offense, but normally after X amount of weeks/months of a thread not being posted on, it normally means that it dead, and don't bring it back. It quite a headache really when you see these old threads come back, the OP long gone, and the person asking something that doesn't related to the thread at all,

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