I bought a used coop how do absorb the ammonia smell?


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2015
central ohio
I bought a used coop and I new it needed cleaned however I did not realize how bad it was. After you DW cleaned it out the ammonia smell is horrible what do I use to absorb the smell?
Ventilation should be fine it has a wood floor and had what I am guessing to be 5 years of waste build up.it has to windows and a large hardware cloth door. I am afraid to put birds back in until some of the ammonia is soaked up. I was thinking baking soda but thought there must be something better and quicker
Does it need more ventilation?
This^^ ....and time.

Is it dry? Wet makes stink worse.
If it was 'cleaned ' with liquid it should be bone dry before adding any bedding ro chickens anyway

Yep -- you'll need to open it up and let it air, and air, and air.............*eventually* you will find the odor fading.
It was just shoveled out I have used any liquid to clean it. The wood is damp I was thinking there may be something I could put down to soak up the moisture and stink. I'm gonna try the sweet pdz. Thanks everybody.
It was just shoveled out I have used any liquid to clean it. The wood is damp I was thinking there may be something I could put down to soak up the moisture and stink. I'm gonna try the sweet pdz. Thanks everybody.
OMGosh is that like 6 inches of poop?
I wish it was 6 inches measured it at 15 inches. I bought this off Craigslist sight unseen and had a rollback pick it up and deliver it. The guy told me he used to have 40 chickens in it we found at leat 10 in the litter . I'm so ****** right now it came with 10 hens 3 of wish I had to put down and treat the rest for a respritory infection
OMGosh is that like 6 inches of poop?
the coop

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