i broke egg with live baby duck HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 6, 2008
I built Miss Prissy's bator and had 10 duck eggs in it for my first hatching experience. I hadn't seen movement for some time. Some of the eggs started to turn black and smelled terrible. I decided throw them out and start over because I read that they can explode. I opened one end to see if i could see how far they got before dying. One was disgusting black ooze. Then next one had a baby in it still alive. the hole is too big to use wax and there's a tiny hole in the membrane. I've been keeping it moist and have the hole covered with part of a sandwhich bag taped over it. It is still moving after 8 hours. Today is day 23.
Please tell me the best way to keep this moist and how often i should moisten the membrane. I don't want to drown it. Please don't tell me to throw it away. My 4 kids would freak out!
Any advice at all would be appreciated. I have certainly learned my lesson and will wait the full 28 days next time!
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And you do need to wait At Least 28 days. I did open mine after 31 and they were not alive but we need to give them a chence. Good Luck!
That's a toughy. I'm not sure the plastic is a good idea. The niblet needs oxygen, but I too would be worried about the exposure. I can't tell you the 'best' course of action here, but were it me, I'd leave it alone, keep the humidity high and wait it out.
Thanks for all your help. I kept the membrane moist but the little guy died anyway. He was perfectly formed, but hadn't absorbed the yolk yet.

I had another egg pip this morning. It is only day 25, but I hope this one makes it. It will be a long day of watching and waiting!

Thanks again,
Good Luck with this one. It is sad when they are formed but do not make it. I feel like I failed them. This is my first hatch and I had 3 like that. I am helping the last one I have left and so far so good. Head is out and it is resting. I do not think it could have finished pipping alone. I let it go for 2 Looooong days. Read the post I suggested earlier from Sundown Waterfowl. VERY Helpful. Let me know how your day goes.
All this reading is helping to pass the time. It is very helpful as this is my first hatch too. I am so hooked.
Now and then i see something pushing throught the pip and back in again.
I don't think I was this nervous when I was in labor!

SO sorry you went through this- it is hard to know when to open or toss, when to leave or assist. I helped my first ducklings over my grandmothers objection, only to lose the first two. She then told me to just to make a little hole in the air-sac end of the shell (normally the round end, but sometimes they're backwards) and wait to see if they could work their way out over 2-10 hours… I guess if they're strong enough to get out, they'll build up their muscles and be able to stand, run and eat. I did help out one chick out of a batch I incubated for a friend; the other eggs were empty, and this little chick was in the egg backwards. After opening the round end and seeing the wrong end of the bird, I made an air hole in the other end and assisted just a little here and there as it slowly struggled over a couple of hours. It was spraddle legged and needed its legs band-aided closer together, plus weak and needed a little sugar water, but it survived the hatch. QUESTION FOR THE EXPERIENCED HATCHERS: I remember having a cracked egg once in the incubator and taking the white film from inside the shell of an egg from the 'fridge to dampen and paste in a couple of layers over the crack/hole in the damaged one until it could hatch… would you recommend that as a fix? Or is there something else non-toxic that could be "paper-mached" over the damaged area to hold in the moisture?

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