I Built A Bridge!

Thanks Marie!   I sent her off yesterday afternoon.  I only had two sort of wimpy  ice paks so ended up sending her overnight.   It is really important to me to have answers so that I can know what to do to keep it from happening again.

I have lost 5 total so far.  I have a 6th girl who is also sick but she doesn't have the same symptoms I have her isolated but am not hopeful.  I will send her off too when/if she passes.  I have never lost adult birds in my 3 years of chicken keeping.  sigh

So sorry TG. You've been on my mind all day. Let me share some little fluffy cuteness to try to brighten your day… 7/9 guineas hatched under Wendy. The other two are missing….
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Hey TG I agree with your “it is really important for me to have answers” and on that note, any ideas when you will have an answer? Would they be able to expedite the necropsy for you due to number of losses?

I can only imagine what you must be going through; how awful to lose 5 and probably 6; that is equal to my whole flock! Devastating

MM yep, that sure is some fluffy cuteness!

No news of note from here. This weekend free range integration needs to be stepped up a notch! In the afternoons, when time is limited because of lack of daylight, Cilla and Co are still getting a fenced free range; barely keeping them separated from the Aunties. Yesterday, Crystal was eyeing off the temporary fence and two seconds later, perched on it! I was able to coax her back to the right side but it will not be long before they are wanting over and out! Having seen Crystal up high, I could see KiKi's little chicken senses tingling and she was contemplating a leap also ... however, being a Frizzle, her flight skills are equivalent to those of a penguin!
Teila girls will be girls, I think you should put a muzzle on both of them and boxing glover on their spurs - so no harm comes to either one.

So glad you got her off ok.

For me, just doing that made me feel a lot better. You feel so helpless when you cant do anything. This was a relief that at the least I could help the others in the flock by determining what was going on. I also hope that you find out some information that will lead you to do what is right for everyone.

I am so sorry this happened to you. Let me know if I can be of any help will you? I dont always check my computer more than once a day but I will respond as soon as I can.

I know what its like to lose them, it really hurts.

I wonder what Liz is up to; hoping she is enjoying life to fullest meaning she does not have time to post.

Hey TG, how are you doing? You have been so much in my thoughts of late

Free range integration went pretty well; the fear of Cilla's wrath is apparently greater than the temptation to peck Crystal and KiKi

As you know, the broody coop and main coop are joined together in the middle of the run, so when I have a broody with bubs, they can be split into two coops and two runs.

After opening up both coops and letting everyone out together there was a slight snag when Dusty, Blondie and LuLu couldn’t wait to get into the broody coop and run and Crystal and KiKi tried to retreat to it when something spooked them .. I had little ones thinking “OMG what are they doing in our coop” and big ones thinking “OMG, Cilla’s babies, that means Cilla is not far behind, we need to get the h*ll outta here!” but no injuries and no harm done, everyone was too busy looking out for themselves to worry about munchkins!

Because it is a full time job watching everyone for the first few integrations, if Cilla & Co wandered back into their coop, I shut them in for a while, to give me a break and the big gals a break from Cilla

Anyways, I do not think the temporary fence will be needed for free range in the future, just close supervision and after a couple of weeks of that, the coops and runs can probably be opened up and become one again.

Actually, something that intrigues me and I would appreciate any thoughts:

The current pecking order (minus Crystal and KiKi who still have to find their niche) is:

1. Cilla
2. Dusty
3. Blondie
4. LuLu

As you know, Blondie is Cilla’s ‘daughter’.

Cilla hates Blondie! I have no idea why.

Yesterday Cilla was OK with Dusty and LuLu being reasonably close to the chicks and just gave them a warning chase but when Blondie got close, Cilla jumped on her. No harm done and Blondie high tailed it out of there, but it is strange why Cilla dislikes Blondie so much. Blondie does not appear to hate Cilla and both of them get along fine with everyone else.
There is a Barbra Stresisand song about the very thing - I have to imagine the name was Mother because it is repeated often . Lines like" Mother I wanted you but, you never wanted me. "

Maybe Cilla thinks Blondie is an alien chick beamed down from some spaceship. I don't think I would want to get into a chicken's mind, I might never get out.
I wonder what Liz is up to; hoping she is enjoying life to fullest meaning she does not have time to post.

Hey TG, how are you doing? You have been so much in my thoughts of late

Free range integration went pretty well; the fear of Cilla's wrath is apparently greater than the temptation to peck Crystal and KiKi

As you know, the broody coop and main coop are joined together in the middle of the run, so when I have a broody with bubs, they can be split into two coops and two runs.

After opening up both coops and letting everyone out together there was a slight snag when Dusty, Blondie and LuLu couldn’t wait to get into the broody coop and run and Crystal and KiKi tried to retreat to it when something spooked them .. I had little ones thinking “OMG what are they doing in our coop” and big ones thinking “OMG, Cilla’s babies, that means Cilla is not far behind, we need to get the h*ll outta here!” but no injuries and no harm done, everyone was too busy looking out for themselves to worry about munchkins!

Because it is a full time job watching everyone for the first few integrations, if Cilla & Co wandered back into their coop, I shut them in for a while, to give me a break and the big gals a break from Cilla

Anyways, I do not think the temporary fence will be needed for free range in the future, just close supervision and after a couple of weeks of that, the coops and runs can probably be opened up and become one again.

Actually, something that intrigues me and I would appreciate any thoughts:

The current pecking order (minus Crystal and KiKi who still have to find their niche) is:

1. Cilla
2. Dusty
3. Blondie
4. LuLu

As you know, Blondie is Cilla’s ‘daughter’.

Cilla hates Blondie! I have no idea why.

Yesterday Cilla was OK with Dusty and LuLu being reasonably close to the chicks and just gave them a warning chase but when Blondie got close, Cilla jumped on her. No harm done and Blondie high tailed it out of there, but it is strange why Cilla dislikes Blondie so much. Blondie does not appear to hate Cilla and both of them get along fine with everyone else.

The same thing is going on here with my frizzle Taffy. She just raised her 6 chicks and they have been "kicked to the curb" by mama. But I noticed that she seems to be picking on them now. She has given them some down right nasty pecks for no reason. The really interesting thing about it is that your Cilla is top hen and my Taffy is at the bottom of the pecking order. I think it is just "tough love". Maybe they are trying to teach them to toughen up for the rest of the flock. Just something to consider. Maybe that is part of the mothering?
I hope things have calmed down over there and that you are doing OK.

Telia, Great to hear that integration in going well! I know you are excited for the day that everything falls into place and you don't have to play referee all the time! Nothing against Cilla, she is quite lovely, but perhaps she has a bit of jealousy with Blondie. Blondie is truly beautiful!!

So sorry if I missed anything, just trying to catch up while I can!! I hope everyone else is well!

Sycamore Springs Update:

It's a bit quiet here. Let chickens out at sunrise, fill waterers, fill feeders, love and stand in awe as Wendy tends to her little keets.

It is amazing how friendly these little keets are! I open the door and the charge me! I end up with a handful of fluffies before I can even get the door open all the way! I thought guineas were supposed to be half wild? Anyhow, all 7 are doing well.

DH hurt his back, so construction on the new coop has not begun yet. Hopefully soon… sure would like the lumber off my porch so I can do some evening porch sitting and enjoy the smell of honeysuckle and watch the fireflies before they are gone for the year!!

I am about to candle about 18 eggs right now for Anna. She has been broody for about a week. I am putting about 12 blue/green eggs from my EE under her along with a couple from my leghorn girls and a BO egg or two. Looking at more babies mid next month!!

Hmmm, that is all. Off to spring cleaning!!
Howdy Bridge Club

Lol Diva no alien chicks here!

Blondie is Cilla’s ‘daughter’ from a previous hatch and is now 15 months old; the cord having been cut a long time ago. [She is the buff bantam Cochin, you can see in the photos below]

Cilla kicked her first every hatch to the kerb at 5 weeks old.

She is still protecting, educating and fussing over her two 10 week olds this time round; no kerb kicking as yet.

She did the same with Blondie for a long time and they were very close for months after the protection and education stopped. Now, not so much.

Tee hee MM, yep Blondie is beautiful but she may just have some competition with Crystal and KiKi

Good to hear that your little keets are doing well.

Sorry to hear that your hubby is incapacitated at the moment; Joel has infected sinuses so I have been tip-toeing around him the last couple of days .. talk about bear with a sore head

He is much better today and back to being fun to be around. I took good care of him though; pretty much did everything and let him rest and relax.

Wow, you sure are busy … good luck with the new hatch

News from Bambrook Bantams:
OK, ho hum, yawn, been there, done that but please indulge me for a moment as I am so very excited and want to share.

After much patience and weeks of planning, may I introduce all of BB’s flock in one picture(s). Granted, it is only on free range and the coops are still divided and will be for a couple more weeks but today I got to throw open both doors and let everyone out together.

No fights, no pecking, no bickering .. I am sooo happy!

So, I mentioned to the girls that I would like to get a picture of everyone striking a pose. All but one were very obliging; Dusty, not so much. I never realised just how much she moves around and how much she eats. I tried dropping things, whistling, talking to her, food distractions, getting Joel to attract her attention etc but I could not get her to strike a pose .. this is the best I could do with her and as you can see, it was getting late and I had to use a flash. Mental note to self; next time start with Dusty cos it is going to take ALL day!

PS. KiKi and Crystal are Silkie X's [5 toes] .. any thoughts on what they may be crossed with? They are coming up for 11 weeks old. [I believe there may have been a Light Sussex in the mix].







I thought this was a nice one of Cilla and Crystal:

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