I Built A Bridge!

Hey MM, wonderful to hear from you .. most definitely not so wonderful about your losses .. I hope that your predator does not return and if it does, you are able to deal with it.

Aaaaw, poor Willie, I feel sorry for him also … I agree with Diva in that it is nice to have a male and protector around the place; the broodies and bubs might like having him around; he will have someone to protect and educate and he will be back in charge (of that coop anyway); no shame there.

I have no news … everything cruising along nicely. One happy, integrated flock. Here are a couple of pics of the little ones. Crystal has blue undertones to her buff colouring and some blue feathers in her wings which you can see in the pics. KiKi has the cutest black feathers in her tail and neck which is the reason for the butt-pic
Can you believe they are now 14 weeks old?

Dusty is still the only one laying but I think Blondie may be thinking about it.

PS .. threw in a pic of LuLu cos she said I should
and Cilla cos I thought it was a nice one ………..

KiKi doing her best "Ain't I the prettiest thing you have seen for a while" pose:

Crystal's blue wing feathers/undertones and KiKi's 'fancy' tail:

Crystal .. also looking very beautiful:

KiKi again .. "Still the prettiest thing you have seen for a while!"

and KiKi again! [I think Kiki likes the Camera



More of Crystal's blue feathering:


Poor Willie Roo,

I am glad the broody mamas took him in. I am with dh, I would worry about him being out there at night and in the early morning for that matter.

So sorry about the two bo
That is such a hard thing to go thru.....
Glad you have the littles to make you smile again.


Love the banties!!!!

LuLu is my favorite right now. Glad everything is fine at Bambrook.

We are doing good here.

I have been very busy with my FOUR broody mamas and their hatches! DO NOT ask me how many chickens I have now because I will just lie about it anyway. LOL Lets just say WAY tooooooo many. Where is Tommysgirl so she can remind me that roos and chicks dont count and that banties only count as half a chicken. I think I really need her right now...LOL I have been trying to re-home some roos but not such good luck with that. I keep thinking everyone will be irresponsible chicken owners or even worse, fight and or eat them. I am sure my lovely neighbor hates me more as each day goes by. She started playing a real noisy radio station from her deck that we could hear when we went down to take care of the chickens. I know she was just doing it to annoy us because it was on a hard rock station and she left it on even over night for a week. So.....I got out my radio, brought it outside, put it on a country station and turned it up loud enough just so I didnt have to hear her station. She turned hers off shortly after that. Cant wait to see what she has in store for us next....grrrrrrr

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Hey Diva thank you; I think they are beautiful also

I was watching Crystal preen yesterday and I will have to try and get a picture of this, but the blue undertones you can see on the outside are nothing compared to underneath! While the top of her feathers are mostly buff with occasional splashes of blue, the whole underside of her wings are blue … she looks a bit like one of those turn inside out jumpers/jackets to change the colour

16 paws, yeah I miss TG also and worry about her. With whatever was going through her flock and not hearing from her for a while; I am concerned that no news is NOT good news on this occasion

Dueling radios does not sound juvenile to me

At the risk of being age specific, we have some youngsters over the road who like to play their repetitive, boom boom music loud … I, being that bit older
like to listen to ABC radio (not sure if you have an equivalent, but ABC is a government funded public radio station, not much music, more interviews, information, politics etc). Anyways, I am sure the ABC turned up very loud would not be complimentary to their choice in music

Love the swinging sex links!

Again, not much news … all quiet at Bambrook Bantams.

Syba had his annual Vet check, vaccination and worming yesterday .. he was not impressed!

At 6 and a ½ Syba’s heart and lungs are good, temperature was fine, perfect weight for his size and his teeth and gums were good also. The Vet was happy with him and hopefully that is it until next year.

Chimee and Syba hate the cat box and even though she did not have to go to the Vet, just the sight of it coming out of the cupboard was enough to send Chimee into hiding and panic mode for the remainder of the day.

3-4 hours after we got back and the box was back in the cupboard, Joel picked up Chimee to put her in their outside play run and she was wriggling and squirming … “Noooooo!, I don’t wanna!”; then she realised she was going outside to play and not into THAT BOX!

On yeah, speaking of cat boxes, they are similar to dog houses right? Well, Joel is in the dog house! He recorded Marley & Me. I knew it was going to be sad and make me cry and each time he suggested we watch it, I deferred ;) As a child I made a decision “no more Lassie movies” swore off them because they made me cry .. gees, I cried watching ET! Anyways, I gave in on Friday night and that is why he is in the dog house lol … it was a beautiful movie but boy oh boy did I cry!! Stoopid movie!
Teila, I understand. I cry during most of the Budweiser(Beer) commercials with the beautiful Clydesdale horses and Dalmatians. It's inching up to July, hope Tara's puppies will be coming soon.
I also cannot watch any movie that has an animal as the star. I am too sensitive and even if it has a happy ending I am still upset if the animal had to go thru anything sad. My stomach has a knot in it the whole time with me thinking that at any moment something terrible is going to happen. I am a big, big baby when it comes down to it concerning animals.

Teila, that is too funny about your kitty thinking it was next for an office visit. Arent they so very smart? She must of been so relieved to get to go out and play instead.

I got the biggest chuckle out of "swinging sex links" it sounds like a racy movie doesnt it? haha

I think we need to give Tommysgirl a big shout so she can check in with us, so here goes:

TommyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssGirlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, are you out there? Let us know if your ok. I need my chicken math teacher.......

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