I Built A Bridge!

I also cannot watch any movie that has an animal as the star. I am too sensitive and even if it has a happy ending I am still upset if the animal had to go thru anything sad. My stomach has a knot in it the whole time with me thinking that at any moment something terrible is going to happen. I am a big, big baby when it comes down to it concerning animals.

Teila, that is too funny about your kitty thinking it was next for an office visit. Arent they so very smart? She must of been so relieved to get to go out and play instead.

I got the biggest chuckle out of "swinging sex links" it sounds like a racy movie doesnt it? haha

I think we need to give Tommysgirl a big shout so she can check in with us, so here goes:

TommyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssGirlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, are you out there? Let us know if your ok. I need my chicken math teacher.......
I was watching a doco one day and it contained a story about a Labrador that had fallen through a hole in the ice, or cracked the ice causing it to drop into the frozen water. I can’t remember but I think there was either another dog there or the owner who raised the alarm but you could see this Lab trying to get back out of the water.

Bottom line, I bawled the whole way through the segment! They rescued the Lab and he was OK; probably better than I was by the end of it!

I am so so bad and yep, I deliberately steer clear of movies about animals too but gave in to Joel ... it was a good reminder why I stay clear of those movies and it will be a very very long time before someone convinces me again!
I was watching a doco one day and it contained a story about a Labrador that had fallen through a hole in the ice, or cracked the ice causing it to drop into the frozen water. I can’t remember but I think there was either another dog there or the owner who raised the alarm but you could see this Lab trying to get back out of the water.

Bottom line, I bawled the whole way through the segment! They rescued the Lab and he was OK; probably better than I was by the end of it!

I am so so bad and yep, I deliberately steer clear of movies about animals too but gave in to Joel ... it was a good reminder why I stay clear of those movies and it will be a very very long time before someone convinces me again!
Amen to that Teila
Hey everyone,

Just checking in. Summer has been busy for us. Lots of time spent at the pool and outside.

We collected about 10 lbs of mountain berries (or, wine berries/wild raspberries) this past weekend. I made some freezer jam and a raspberry pie. Freezer jam is awesome. Pie… just OK. Next time I will just make freezer jam. Everything is mostly picked over by the deer and birds, but I hope we can get about 3 cups still so I can make some raspberry-peach jam. 

I have finally let the chickens back out to free range. Wendy, having been done raising the guineas headed back to the big coop. The guineas roost in the pine tree. Willie waits patiently at dusk for me to let him back into the school house where Wanda is sitting. Wanda's eggs are due on Sunday, which mean we will probably have some early birds tomorrow if she follows the trend here.

Those guineas…. they hop down from the tree and make the worst racket until I get outside to let Willie out. DH compares it to a wounded duck.  They love their Willie Roo, and he loves them.

Introducing "Papa Willie." Please excuse his rough appearance. I have a hen who thinks she has a future in cosmetology. Any beard, sickle or saddle feather she can get near gets a trim. 

I am afraid I might lose my Chica. She has been off the past two days. Slower moving and not eating are her only symptoms. Otherwise she looks healthy as can be. Comb and eyes are bright. She is normally the first to the food or me when I go down to the coop. Lately she has been the last. Her crop was very full of water last night. This morning it was not as full. I hope this is just some little something she needs to work through. I am headed down with some egg in a bit.

Hope everyone is well!

Eta-- I may be in the running for Queen of the Cockerels this year. Out of the 8 four week olds hatched by Anna, I believe 6-7 may be cockerels!
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Hey everyone,

Just checking in. Summer has been busy for us. Lots of time spent at the pool and outside.

We collected about 10 lbs of mountain berries (or, wine berries/wild raspberries) this past weekend. I made some freezer jam and a raspberry pie. Freezer jam is awesome. Pie… just OK. Next time I will just make freezer jam. Everything is mostly picked over by the deer and birds, but I hope we can get about 3 cups still so I can make some raspberry-peach jam.

I have finally let the chickens back out to free range. Wendy, having been done raising the guineas headed back to the big coop. The guineas roost in the pine tree. Willie waits patiently at dusk for me to let him back into the school house where Wanda is sitting. Wanda's eggs are due on Sunday, which mean we will probably have some early birds tomorrow if she follows the trend here.

Those guineas…. they hop down from the tree and make the worst racket until I get outside to let Willie out. DH compares it to a wounded duck. They love their Willie Roo, and he loves them.

Introducing "Papa Willie." Please excuse his rough appearance. I have a hen who thinks she has a future in cosmetology. Any beard, sickle or saddle feather she can get near gets a trim.

I am afraid I might lose my Chica. She has been off the past two days. Slower moving and not eating are her only symptoms. Otherwise she looks healthy as can be. Comb and eyes are bright. She is normally the first to the food or me when I go down to the coop. Lately she has been the last. Her crop was very full of water last night. This morning it was not as full. I hope this is just some little something she needs to work through. I am headed down with some egg in a bit.

Hope everyone is well!

Eta-- I may be in the running for Queen of the Cockerels this year. Out of the 8 four week olds hatched by Anna, I believe 6-7 may be cockerels!
yum, yum berry pie

Oh darn, I hope Chica snaps out of whatever ails her. Good to give her some egg.

I have heard that Guineas are really loud. Do they protect the chickens? Are they the ones that will kill a snake?

Congrats on being the Queen of the Roos. I really have way too many over here as well, just ask my dear neighbor!
Maybe I should get some guineas too.....hummm

Good to hear from someone from the bridge club.

"Queen of the Cockerels," sounds like a title nobody wants. Maybe in a bizarro universe, chickeners love and respect cockerels
Howdy Bridge Club

It is nice to hear some news!

Hey MM glad to hear that things are going well and you and the family are enjoying summer.

Aaaaw, I loved the story of your guineas and Willie; what a beautiful little family.

I hope you work out what is ailing Chica and she comes good soon.

Ouch! That rooster to pullet ratio has gotta sting!

So, yesterday morning I got woken by the sounds of crowing; as you do when you do not have any roosters!

As Joel was already up and I heard him go outside to check; I laid in bed trying to work out which one of my two little girls was, in fact, a boy. I am picturing how they look and act and thinking “No, neither of them could be” and “OK, they are Silkie X’s but still, surely I could not be that wrong?”.

So, I laid there a bit longer, devastated and waiting to hear the news of which one was going to have to find a new home.

Joel comes in and announces that the crower is, in fact, Dusty! My 2.5 year old, egg laying hen!

DUSTY! How could you? Giving me such a scare!
Dusty has not laid for 8 days now .. maybe she is gender confused ... I could have a Henster!

That same morning, as they were eating breakfast, I was opening up the nest boxes and cleaning up the overnight poops etc, as I do every morning. Rather than eat breakfast, Blondie came in the coop and was asking for the nest boxes to be opened (a good sign that she is hopefully returning to laying soon), so I opened them up and kept sweeping with the dust brush … Blondie attacked the dust brush .. she flew at it, jumped on it and started pecking it to death, wings flapping, full on raptor mode .. lol. Funniest thing I have seen for a while

She has seen this brush every morning since the day she hatched; they are all used to it and me doing the morning clean; I have no idea what was going through her crazy-Diva-chicken-head but with her and Dusty acting strangely, I am staring to wonder what is in the drinking water

This morning Blondie was just standing there, no interest in breakfast [or going all ninja chicken on the broom!], looking a little puffed up .. I was a little concerned but all standard health checks appeared OK. She perked up 30 minutes or so later and has been scratching around and also visiting the nest box and chowing down on the shell grit. I definitely think she is getting close to laying that return egg but I am keeping a very close eye on her just in case it is causing her problems.

Cilla has laid her second egg after her ‘being a mumma’ break and it was so cute to see her in the nest box with KiKi snuggled up next to her and Crystal perched on the edge watching .. I reckon I could see Cilla thinking “Gees, can’t a Mum lay an egg in peace?!”. The bubs are nearly 4 months old!
That would of made a great video of Blondie going ninja on the dust broom. I probably would of paid good money to see that one.

I wonder if she is thinking of going broody?

So glad it was Cilla crowing instead of one of your girls really being a boy. What a relief!

Sounds like Cilla is giving the bubs laying lesson 101.

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