I Built A Bridge!

I'm back home from the trip. Patti seemed like a sweet lady and I can only hope for the best for him. Desi didn't make a peep the whole car trip down there and looked plenty scared in the big dog crate in his new cowgirl's truck. But, he allowed me one last cuddle in the transfer and I do think things will be good for him down there. As long as he gets to really crow to his heart's delight, I think he'll be happy.
It'll be interesting to see how the flock does tomorrow. As of tonight, it looked like the three pullets were in Desi's usual spot on the roost.

Good job, Buster! Good luck with your winter hatch and the barnyard mixes, TG!

Here's Reggie on a glorious, endless, beach. After about 3 hours of chasing the ball, she took a little break:
Hi team! Crazy crazy week over here... have been thinking about you all, but had not found the time to check in until now. On the plus side - only 2 days left until hatch time, and I didn't even notice when the time went by! Woo hoo!
The last time I candled, there were 6 Araucana eggs developing (out of 8), plus two our mixes I snuck in for control purposes of shipped vs homegrown eggs because I'm all scientific like that... (Ok, ok, I am totally trying for a Shakira clone. Sigh. The homegrown ones had better not be boys!)

I now officially have 6 less roos than a week ago, AND another couple of contacts for whenever Bonnie is ready to let her boy babies go (someone contacted me after I had already made arrangements for the current ones)... which is awesome, but it certainly isn't helping that whole trying to downsize the hatches idea I was going with...

Liz - you're so right, and I'll probably regret pushing through with all those hatches, but currently it seems that the universe is encouraging me... In fact, the universe wants more Cochins, since I keep getting emails even now asking if the Cochin roo I had posted still available, or if I have couples... I am sorry your experience hasn't been as positive trying to place the boys, but it seems like things are looking up, right? (I was also voting for the ranch, but of course I got here too late to contribute... glad to hear the re-ranching went well!)

Teila, a mini-Cenere sounds cuddle-me-non-stop-lovely!!! I hope you find her soon! As I said, the universe needs more Cochins. Especially blue ones. But then, we all know I am partial.

Lol at GodCilla! Hope she doesn't stay in that phase too long. Also, looooooove the synchronized dust bath routine pic! Are Blondie and LuLu practicing for a competition or something? Because I think they should get first prize!

TG, my egg drought doesn't seem to be ending just yet... still at 1-2 eggs/day for the moment - some of the girls seem to be on strike because I rehomed one of their favorite boys, and others have decided it's just too cold to bother with that whole egg-laying thing (namely Cenere and Pallina, who are done molting but don't show any renewed interest in the egg nests, only in snacks), and the new girls seem to be waiting for spring as well... So I am even more jealous of your beautiful colorful eggs!
I have to quote you on this, not only for giving me a laugh, but because (as I suspect you know) I can SOOOO relate: "I guess I could tell the bantam cochin lady who is sending me Gracie's eggs that I want fewer but really who are we kidding? "I think the shuffle will work" said the crazy chicken lady."

For what it's worth, I hope it does all work out, even though the bantam cochin eggs didn't come through. In the meantime - super excited for our upcoming hatch-along!

Oh, and also - Stella is absolutely gorgeous!

Ok, gotta run - hope I didn't miss any important updates, but feel free to yell at me if I did, and I'll play more catch up next time.
Oh my goodness, so much rain!!! We've gotten 3.5 inches since about 6 a.m. and the big radar cloud on the NWS website is just now shifting from yellow to green. It's been one big storm, stalled over the Bay Area all day long. Things are muddy and wet in the coop and in the nestbox, despite my best efforts at flood prevention. I'll definitely have to figure out a better solution, because California is back to its good old self. You know the song, "It doesn't rain in California; it pours.

How are you holding up, @tommysgirl ?

Rousseau and Grace are still churning out their little eggs, bless their hearts. Jan and Marsha may have a new secret nest in the yard, because the only egg I've gotten from either of them in a week or so was one blue egg the day I rehomed Desi, so no one went in the yard that day. I've searched and searched, though, to no avail. They're taking their Easter Egger status way too seriously!
My situation sounds like yours, IC, a couple eggs a day and a bunch of capable ladies on strike for no reason that they'll share with me. Hey, I'd be moody too if I was stuck in a damp coop and my boyfriend ducked out and left behind a couple teenagers.

Hope you're all doing well!

Edited to add: Frankie and Diego were snuggled up together on the far roost when I went in to move them to the mancave! (And, at 10:40 pm, we're at 3.77 inches of rain and moving toward the lighter green on the radar!)
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Eek, Liz, hope it stops raining soon! Damp is definitely no fun, for us or for the chickens. (Although all those worms that come out might make it worthwhile for them.)

Lol at your Easter Eggers! At least yours have an excuse... I have a red star that does the same thing every now and then. Maybe you should explain to them that it isn't Easter yet and there's no need for egg hunts during the rest of the year?

Just a quick visit to report that there is peeping and pipping happening under Chiocciola! (It's Friday afternoon here, the due date would be tomorrow morning, but it seems like we might have an early arrival or two in progress.)

TG, any hatching news over there? Although I guess given our time difference, it would be way a full day or more early for you.
Update: we do indeed have an early arrival! I'm sure I'll have better pics tomorrow, but just had to share the first sneak peek.

Update: we do indeed have an early arrival! I'm sure I'll have better pics tomorrow, but just had to share the first sneak peek.


Yes Julie's eggs are due to hatch Tomorrow pm-Sunday. I am worried that Gracie Belle may leave her nest when the chicks hatch so I have to move JT but I don't know when? I am thinking if I can time it with the first pips then I can very carefully transport them all to their own little coop. JT and GB have been swapping eggs with no regard for the fact that I want JT to hatch the one set and GB the other. I am afraid the lure of chick peep will bollocks up the whole thing. JT has been on the nest for 4 weeks already and rarely gets up. It is time for her to get on to mothering and away from just sitting. GB played around with sitting up until a week ago but gets up whenever she knows there are snacks about. It would be awful if both of them get obsessed with the chicks and forego the NYD clutch still in their egg shell jammies so I have to move them..I wil try tonight I think. By that time there should be some internal pipping so chick to mama conversation. I just hope it is JT on the eggs when that happens.

Andy advice would be appreciated
:frow Guess who?? I know, been a while, but things are starting to calm down here. Finally. I just started Christmas shopping, so that stressor is starting to disappear as well!

Liz, Congrats on the new home for Desi!! Sounds like a good place for him! Love the pic of Reggie on the beach! Stay dry over there! I heard a little about all your rain on the radio the other day!

TG and IC, Yay for babies!!!!! Ugh… baby chicks and baby people are hatching all around me. It's going to make me catch the bug. For either or both kinds of babies!

Love all the pics, everyone!!

Sorry for the short catch up--- I don't think I could respond to everyone!

New here… not so much. I got 8 eggs yesterday, one of which came from one of the EE/SLW pullets in the mini coop. Velma, I think. It is a darker green color,  but nowhere near a dark olive. My two cuckoo marans are finally looking close to laying. They are the only two out of my Easter chicks that have not laid an egg yet. Pullets 9 weeks younger than they are have already started laying! It seems to have taken the Easter bunch a long time to come online.

Other than that, basketball is done. Christmas Parade is done (we took first place!!!:cool: ). Now for Christmas parties this weekend and getting ready for guests the week of Christmas. I hope they like eggs. I have been hoarding. I need to make some of my bavarian cinnamon pecans tonight to take to the parties. I'd send a jar over to all of you if we lived closer!!

Yesterday's haul:
L-R, Top to bottom. Wendy and Wanda Welsummer. Sandy EE. Elsa (or Ana) Splash/Blue Cochin. Curly and Marge White Leghorns. *New* Velma SLW/EE. Daphne SLW/White Leghorn. Brownie and MJ EE.

Is it sad that I know which egg belongs to which chicken? Sigh.
Anyhow, Stay warm or cool or dry wherever you all are!!
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Yes Julie's eggs are due to hatch Tomorrow pm-Sunday. I am worried that Gracie Belle may leave her nest when the chicks hatch so I have to move JT but I don't know when? I am thinking if I can time it with the first pips then I can very carefully transport them all to their own little coop. JT and GB have been swapping eggs with no regard for the fact that I want JT to hatch the one set and GB the other. I am afraid the lure of chick peep will bollocks up the whole thing. JT has been on the nest for 4 weeks already and rarely gets up. It is time for her to get on to mothering and away from just sitting. GB played around with sitting up until a week ago but gets up whenever she knows there are snacks about. It would be awful if both of them get obsessed with the chicks and forego the NYD clutch still in their egg shell jammies so I have to move them..I wil try tonight I think. By that time there should be some internal pipping so chick to mama conversation. I just hope it is JT on the eggs when that happens.

Andy advice would be appreciated

That is a tough one TG! Your idea sounds like the best way to do it, what with the timing about right for internal pips and it being night, so less resistance to changing arrangements... I'd go for it, hopefully even if there is chick to Gracie conversation before that (hope not!), the night time will be enough to get her to refocus on the not-ready eggs, and give a chance for the chicks to bond to Julie.

Not exactly the same but - back when I had that whole twin broody disaster, I had given the hatched chicks and a pipped egg to Ombretta and Cenere who accepted them with no issues, and tried breaking the broody twins, which actually took some time, because they continued trying to hatch whatever was on hand after I locked them out from the kindergarten. I guess that's exactly the kind of response you're looking for there, without letting it go quite as far - hopefully the instinct work the same way though.

Good luck! I'm sure it will all work out somehow.

And can't wait to meet the new arrivals tomorrow/Sunday!

Guess who?? I know, been a while, but things are starting to calm down here. Finally. I just started Christmas shopping, so that stressor is starting to disappear as well!

Liz, Congrats on the new home for Desi!! Sounds like a good place for him! Love the pic of Reggie on the beach! Stay dry over there! I heard a little about all your rain on the radio the other day!

TG and IC, Yay for babies!!!!! Ugh… baby chicks and baby people are hatching all around me. It's going to make me catch the bug. For either or both kinds of babies!

Love all the pics, everyone!!

Sorry for the short catch up--- I don't think I could respond to everyone!

New here… not so much. I got 8 eggs yesterday, one of which came from one of the EE/SLW pullets in the mini coop. Velma, I think. It is a darker green color, but nowhere near a dark olive. My two cuckoo marans are finally looking close to laying. They are the only two out of my Easter chicks that have not laid an egg yet. Pullets 9 weeks younger than they are have already started laying! It seems to have taken the Easter bunch a long time to come online.

Other than that, basketball is done. Christmas Parade is done (we took first place!!!
). Now for Christmas parties this weekend and getting ready for guests the week of Christmas. I hope they like eggs. I have been hoarding. I need to make some of my bavarian cinnamon pecans tonight to take to the parties. I'd send a jar over to all of you if we lived closer!!

Yesterday's haul:
L-R, Top to bottom. Wendy and Wanda Welsummer. Sandy EE. Elsa (or Ana) Splash/Blue Cochin. Curly and Marge White Leghorns. *New* Velma SLW/EE. Daphne SLW/White Leghorn. Brownie and MJ EE.

Is it sad that I know which egg belongs to which chicken? Sigh.
Anyhow, Stay warm or cool or dry wherever you all are!!

MM, good to see you! I totally understand the crazy pre-holiday season (which of course I like to make even crazier with an improvised hatch).

Congrats on first place in the Christmas Parade!

Your hoarded eggs are beautiful! And I thought it was normal to know which eggs belongs to which chicken... are you saying it isn't???
I guess I better stop telling people who laid the egg they're eating, then. That might explain the weird looks.

Gotta run, but I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with more pictures of fuzzy butts!
Hi everyone,

MM: definitely not sad that you know who laid what! I think it's sadder the other way around. Gorgeous eggs!
Congrats on 1st place in the parade! I think California is close enough for a shipment of pecans!

IC: Woohoo! Congrats on the chick!!! Lovely pic! Looking forward to more!

TG: Glad you're all staying dry. Can you send a Tommy my way to help rain-proof my coo? Actually, mine isn't so bad - there's just a flaw where the nest box is which is letting water in that I need to figure out how to fix. There is plenty of covered space for the chickens to stay dry, but the floor is getting pretty muddy in places. My last-minute idea of putting wood chips in the worst area has only helped a bit.
Sorry, no advice with the egg switching - you know your girls better than I could!

Not much news here. Still raining outside! Someone finally responded to one of my BYC ads about the cockerels, but seems pretty far away and things will need to dry up well before I head too far on the road. I occasionally get responses to my craigslist ad, but none of them have provided the follow-up info I've asked for. There is one promising person, but she's traveling until after Christmas. I'm not in a rush anymore, though, so she may work out.
I have a baby!!!!! It is dark grey and darling
My daughter and I got home from work and first stop was the coops. I could hear cheeping and I just sort of lifted Julie's chest saw the empty shell
So "Operation Move a Mama" happened a little late. 4 of 5 remaining eggs were pipped and they were all chirping as we carried out the move. Julie settled in on that chick and let us put the remaining eggs back under her and snuggled right back down on them so all is well. Meanwhile back in the original coop Gracie Belle was VERY concerned about the whole thing but settled back on her eggs pretty quickly too and we are hoping that out of sight out of mind will be the pattern she follows.

The chicks that Julie is hatching are biologically Gracie's and no doubt she will help raise them when her own clutch hatches which is a little cool. Hope I get several pullets. But

Pics tomorrow but here is the broody sitch at the moment

Julie Taylor in the Handicoop, so named because we built it for my disabled rooster, Curley, who passed before I met you all.She is sitting on on 1 chick and 5 eggs that will hopefully be chicks by tomorrow morning...Christmas themed names. Liz if you want to step into the wonderful world of Silkies I can hook you up.

Gracie Bell in the OC or Original Coop the won we bought when we first stared with chickens on 7 shipped barnyard mix eggs. Due to hatch on 1/1. I don't have high hopes for these since they were packaged pretty poorly but if GB gets a single baby I will be happy.

Norma on 10 grab bag eggs that may include pure Langshans but more likely are also BYM Due to hatch 12/26 Hoping someone is splash in this clutch but I am a fan of mixed girls. Eggs and Broodiness seem to be hallmarks, at least in my flock so those are selling points.

Have I shared with you that I am getting a sizzle rooster in January. I will post pics of him. Another Nor Cal person...she is in Fairfield...hatched him from papabrooder eggs and he was to amazing looking to pass up.
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