I Built A Bridge!

Ok, I have calmed down a bit now.

Thanks guys for your support and thoughts. I sure do appreciate it.

So the police were there talking to them for quite a bit. They said they would have a detective contact me. I have to tell you that she (neighbor) called me last night. She said she couldnt believe I called the police on her. I did not call the police on her, I called to get them to start a police report. I told them about the threat, never accusing them of anything. Even thou I sure was thinking it.
She then said that they, (her and the police,) got a BIG laugh out of it. I was fuming now and I told her that I was glad that she thought it was funny but I thought it was a very serious matter. She went on to say that they do not use malathion or anything like it. I said that is funny because I just got off the phone with your gardner and he said that you have used it and it didnt work so you used something stronger now to spray your trees. She said, well he doesnt speak very good english and you must not of understood him. Then she said I cant believe you called him. I said I am going to do everything I can to investigate what happened to my chicken. By the way, let me clarify that only one chicken had died from malathion. It looks like the other had LL. The final report on her is in the mail.

Yes, I know things will be tough with them but I really feel like I must try and find out what happened. I agree with Teila, now that the police are involved if they are doing anything they may think twice about it. I have learned in the past by some of the other neighbors comments that this lady likes to control the neighborhood, I see that she is a bully and I will not let her bully me. Now does it go further than bullying? I dont know yet. But you mess with my pets and you have a problem.

Have a great weekend all
More power to you- she is a lot of words aside from being a bully but, I would end up in BYC jail if I used them. I cannot believe the gall of that person.
Has anyone heard of a problem with feed lately? My neighbor just told me that there has been a problem with malathion ending up in feed recently. Not just chicken feed but other feed as well. I tried to google it but didnt see anything. It would make sense if my neighbor didnt do something that the only other way Faith may of gotten the malathion would be thru the feed.
If anyone has time to look it up please let me know if you see anything will you? I wonder who I can call tommorrow get some info. Is there a goverment department that regulates farm animal feed?
Wow, Teila, that flooding is really intense! When I visited Brisbane, it was about this time of year, and I do remember one very rainy day, but overall it was mild as can be. I'm so sorry you're going through all of that! It's quite scary and time-consuming, I'm sure.

With no flooding available, California did it's part and gave us a little earthquake today. Just a 4.0 - nothing to write home about. I'm actually very close to a big fault that is due, so that's always in the back of my mind, but pretty far back there.

Yes, I can't believe that I didn't bring the food in before! It was so easy! They're still in the training stage with the new feeder, so it's open during the day. (I hope the bantams are able to work it - Rousseau was eating from the rim today, and that's never going to work out when it's not propped open.) A couple rats have taken to raiding it in the daylight! And, they got Jan's egg the other morning. Crazy! So, I did some more rat-proofing work in the coop today and hope they give up on it and move on soon, now that the smorgasbord is closing up shop.
Marie, I do not even know what I can say. I am so very sorry, first for your losses and second for the suspicious nature around them. Some people… I mean, I am not even sure I can go there. I am sending all the hugs and good thoughts I possibly can. I hope this gets resolved quickly and you are able to keep your flock safe and happy.

Teila! Enough with the rain already!! I thought we were having a wet spring! T-ball games cancelled, picture day cancelled (and this is after I did the rain dance BACKWARDS to try to scare the storms away!). I wish we could just clap our hands and send our extra rain over the liz and TG! In slow, drizzly good soaking amounts, though. I know what a mess hard rain can make to areas that are quite dry. I sure hope your girls are handling it well! I can tell you that with the 2 feet of snow all over the ground this last winter, my chickens were a MESS. They did not want to come out of the coop and just got nasty with each other! Sandy has become a picker, and specializes on picking neck feathers. The longer days and freedom from 6:30am through well after 8 is helpful now.

Diva, I see you around a couple other threads I follow! Welcome to the Bridge that Teila built

Not too much news here at Sycamore Springs. Everyone is still here, but Cielo specifically is wearing thin on me. I had such high hopes for him, but the aggression is something I can not tolerate.

I candled the guinea eggs under Wendy today. At day 12 of 28, I removed one clear and two blood rings. The remaining 9 all showed development and little ones dancing around!! Miss Wendy is a trooper, but worries me so much. She doesn't get off the nest and when I do manage to get her to take a break she will not take long enough to eat much food. I feel like she is wasting away. I have her on higher protein food and try to offer an egg every now and then. She is growing some pretty fancy spurs, though. 16 more days…

I hope that at least 3 hatch, which is what I hope to keep and integrate into the flock as sky watchers and the resident tick and stinkbug control. If more hatch, I will probably sell the extras and donate the money made from them.

I have been hopeful that Elsa would catch the broody bug and have been allowing her to sleep in the nest box each night. So far she doesn't stay on during the day, though. She also does not poop in the boxes, so I won't complain.

I am able to sell between 7 and 10 dozen eggs a week right now. Things are good
Could you please make a video of you doing the rain dance backwards? I about fell off my chair laughing at the thought of how that might look.

I have never had a Guinea. What are they like? Can you keep them with the chickens? My that is a whole lot of eggs! How many chickens do you have or should I not ask? hehe

Thanks for your happy wishes for our family, I really appreciate it.

You are not going to believe the latest! I spoke to the Dr again and now they are not sure she had a lethal amount of malathion in her system. The other Dr. from what I understood thought she had died from it. Now they are doing more testing with brain tissue to determine if that was the cause. I should know the results this week. Now I feel bad for calling the police but I was told the results were poisoning. Cant believe all this is happening!
Howdy Bridge Club

I had to work on site for Mon, Tues and Wednesday this week as we had IT Team Workshops … sure does make me appreciate working from home! Working on site I lose an hour and a half to two hours out of my day. I got home just in time to watch the girls go to bed; luckily Joel let them out for free range at 4pm. I worked out that over the past three days I have probably spent a total of 2 hours with the gals and my chookie chat was nonexistent! Ah, the horror!! lol

Anyways, back to working from home base now and time to catch up.

16 paws I am so sorry that you are having to go through this and being mucked around with inconclusive results. I doubt very much that “her and the Police” got a big laugh out of it; she might have maybe but I would hope that the Police were more professional. I have a distinct dislike of bullies! I have a couple in the corporate world I have to deal with and sometimes they have mistaken my non confrontational personality as an opportunity to bully me … while I do have a very long fuse, the resultant explosion at the end of it is not to be taken lightly!

I did some research also and came up with:

Insecticides applied to grain may be present in dust generated during grain handling and could expose workers to high insecticide concentrations, or be fed to animals in the form of pelleted grain dust. Residual levels of two organophosphate insecticides, malathion and diazinon, were measured in 31 samples of grain dust collected from six terminal grain elevators along the Mississippi River in the New Orleans area.

If you search Malathion and Grain Bins you will see lots of hits where it looks like the bins are being treated for insects and this would presumably then contaminate the grain.

Liz thanks, it has been a nice week and I am loving the shining sun and lack of rain! Wow, mother nature is definitely in a mood! Floods, earthquakes etc.

Gees, I hope those rats do take notice of the ‘Closed for Business’ and move on; egg stealing if unforgiveable!

MM I wanna see the backwards rain dance too!

Good to hear things are going along nicely.

New rule .. post more egg pictures! I don’t need chicken pictures .. have chickens, can look at them! Eggs on the other hand … forgot what those look like!

We have been an egg free zone for 43 days now.

No news of note from here; looking forward to actually spending some time with the gals before they go to bed tonight!
Misty Mountain, yes, I hop around. I'm really a night person and when I can't find anyone, I dig through all the threads. The computer was down, and I thought I'd go nuts. I did laundry, dishes, cleaned the floors - ugh. The computer is back up for the moment, so I can't waste any time.
Just popped in to share some pics ......

The girls and I are having a wonderful day in the sunshine.

LuLu sunbaking:

Blondie sunbaking (I love how she fans out her feathers to get full benefit):

Blondie in Diva mode:

LuLu (is it just me or is there something beautiful about a chicken surrounded with greenery?)

Crystal (turns 8 weeks on Monday):

Morning Tea!

Loving the sun!:

"Who put that there?!"

Dusty has feathers!

KiKi (who obviously also turns 8 weeks on Monday):
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What lovely hens you have Teila plus a great sense of humor. I know you've read about Tara's current plans. I AM so excited about her wanting 2 ACDs. You'd think they would be mine.

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