I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

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This is Polo, Bertie's brother.


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Ok so I think I'm about to be upset - do these look like male saddle feathers coming through to y'all?! I already have 7 cockerels out of my flock of 10 and now I think one of my "for sure girls" is a boy! :barnie He/she is an Easter egger about 4-5 months old. Thank you!
These are my ISA browns that I bought at Tractor Supply in April. They are about 5 months old. The darker girl is obviously a pullet and that is what 5 out of my 7 look like. The other two are throwing me through a loop though. From what I have read, the more white there is means that it is a rooster. I have not seen much rooster behavior from these two though. Not a peep out of them.

All pullets

4 Easter eggers. Person I just got them from didn't take care of them properly. They are missing a lot of feathers. Supposed to be almost 4 months but they are 1/2 the size of my others the same age. Any ideas on the sex? I am not sure if these pictures are good enough.
1# is probably a pullet
#2 is a cockerel
#3 is a cockerel
#4 is probably a cockerel

Thank you for your help! She claims they are the same age as the ones I have already and they are all pullets. They are very scroney and missing tons of feathers from being malnourished. I am posting pics of my others now for help sexing them too. #1, #5, #6, & #7 are Easter eggers and the other 3 are black jersey giants.
All pullets
Light Brahma body shots. 2 pairs are shaped exactly the same but opposite the others. 1 pair tail is full and starts more at the back. 2nd pair tail/feather is slender and not as full starting closer to the tail. (Sully the one previously questioned as a Cockerel is the only one who's waddles and comb constantly stay red and are definitely more visible. This is getting confusing... Coming up on 15 weeks Saturday. Thoughts...what do you see? Discussion is welcome no opinion will offend me as I'm looking more for thoughts and why,for future reference, also for others questioning. Thanks everyone!

(Lemon blue Cochins were easy, blue/lemon- Cockerel named Steele and Lemon/blue- pullet named Remi)
I don't see any obvious cockerels.

We're at about seven weeks now for these two Orpingtons-- the blue is a few days younger than the cuckoo, and still not quite fully feathered. Any guesses? I keep going back and forth, but at first blush, I think the cuckoo might be a pullet and the blue might be a roo, based on comb size. Orpingtons are tough!

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I don't see any obvious cockerels yet.

Hi all! My girls are getting older (about 7 weeks, the grow like weeds!) and I'm pretty sure they are all hens...except Jupiter. She or He has a different peeping noise than the others (more of cluck...which I suppose may be a Jersey Giant thing?). Here is a recent photo of "her," what do you all think? She is the lady in black.
Looks like a pullet so far.

View attachment 1099255 View attachment 1099256 View attachment 1099257 View attachment 1099258 Would you please help me identify gender of this Silver Laced Wyandotte? It is 7 weeks old and has different tail feathers and larger than the other same breed and same aged chick. It bites and is more sassy than the smaller one. I'm new to chickens and can not figure out what it is. Thanks!
Looks like a pullet so far.

Think it's a Roo Easter Egger. 7 weeks old

Ordered some black frizzled cochin and blue cochin. Could you tell if this is a fizzle without the frizzle or blue or something else it might be the free exotic bird. Also roo right?
Not a frizzle, definitely a cockerel.

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