I crossed a cream legbar with a ----- and this is what I got

I have a ccl rooster and he was paired with a black copper maran hen and some goldline hybrid hens. The ccl×bcm produced either chipmonk or black chicks. The ccl×goldline produced all yellow chicks neary all with a white dot on head. Is there any way to tell sex in either mix?
they are barred; Barring is sex linked which is why so many autosexing breeds use it (legBAR, welBAR, and so on).

What you get in a cross, depends on what you cross it to, and if your legbar is the roo or the hen. What hen breeds do you have to cross your roo to? Have you tried playing with the online 'chicken calculator' to get some idea of the cross results posssible?

What is your aim for crossing? Just curiousity? To get sexable chicks? To get some pretty looking chickens (for the last, I'd go for a crele look, which is basically barred, but more colour/red rather than just black/white)
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I have a ccl rooster and he was paired with a black copper maran hen and some goldline hybrid hens. The ccl×bcm produced either chipmonk or black chicks. The ccl×goldline produced all yellow chicks neary all with a white dot on head. Is there any way to tell sex in either mix?
Neither are sexable at hatch. You'll just have to wait and see.
Hi, I recently hatched 5 out of 6 blue eggs that were all supposed to be cream legbars. 4 came out as expected with 2 girls and 2 boys but one came out very different! I asked the company that I got the eggs from and they told me that one of their CL hens must have got in with their Marans cockerel for that chick to have come out of the blue egg and that I wouldn't be able to sex it until it was older. They are currently 2 weeks old and I suspect that it is a little roo. He has the yellow spot on his head, some serious thighs on him, his comb seems to be much bigger than the others but I don't know if that's because of the difference in breed. His behaviour seems to mirror that of the other two boys too because he squares up to them and is a bit of a bossy bird! Does anyone have any thoughts on the sexing of him please or do I need to wait longer?


Some of my buff orp and cream legbar crosses look like crested buff orpingtons you can see some darker feathers in the tail and wings but it's not a ton. If I were to cross one of these back to my buff orps would the crest stay?

These are beauties. I just had 2 hatch out of this same cross. Do you have pics of these as adults by chance?

Here is one of my new babies fresh out of the shell!


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Hi, I recently hatched 5 out of 6 blue eggs that were all supposed to be cream legbars. 4 came out as expected with 2 girls and 2 boys but one came out very different! I asked the company that I got the eggs from and they told me that one of their CL hens must have got in with their Marans cockerel for that chick to have come out of the blue egg and that I wouldn't be able to sex it until it was older. They are currently 2 weeks old and I suspect that it is a little roo. He has the yellow spot on his head, some serious thighs on him, his comb seems to be much bigger than the others but I don't know if that's because of the difference in breed. His behaviour seems to mirror that of the other two boys too because he squares up to them and is a bit of a bossy bird! Does anyone have any thoughts on the sexing of him please or do I need to wait longer? View attachment 1108621 View attachment 1108622 View attachment 1108621 View attachment 1108623

Looks like you have a cockerel. The white spot on his head is a pretty big giveway since the offspring is sex-linked.

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