I crossed a cream legbar with a ----- and this is what I got

Sure, I can play!:wee

I crossed a cream legbar (roo) with a buff orpington, auracauna, barnevelder and a splash mystery (maran?) and got this cute pile of chicks!

In this shot they are 2 days old. Updated pictures to come!


  • 2018 HATCH_9 chicks.JPG
    2018 HATCH_9 chicks.JPG
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They're 2.5 weeks old. I took 1 wk shots, but then I moved them out to the barn (my wonderful broody hen was getting a bit stir crazy in the brooder in the garage), and the next day we got hit by the ice storm, and its finally passed now. They are still super cute so I have to get some good pics before they start to grow out of the baby phase! Taking pics tomorrow, if I can catch them!!
They're 2.5 weeks old. I took 1 wk shots, but then I moved them out to the barn (my wonderful broody hen was getting a bit stir crazy in the brooder in the garage), and the next day we got hit by the ice storm, and its finally passed now. They are still super cute so I have to get some good pics before they start to grow out of the baby phase! Taking pics tomorrow, if I can catch them!!

Nice! Your mixes are just a couple days older then the American White Breese chicks that I hatched out on April 4th then. I wonder if your mixes will have the crest on them or not.
Mine hatched April 4,& 5, and last one (dark grey with white tips) hatched on the eve of April 6th.

My roo isnt crested, so none will be crested.
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Mine hatched April 4,& 5, and last one (dark grey with white tips) hatched on eve of 6th.

My roo isnt crested, so none will be crested.

Ok, all 4 of my CCLB's are created and are from blue eggs. The 3 pullets should start laying soon, but the cockerel has started coming in. I have my Splash Australorp hen in there with those. As soon as I see that he is fertilizing her eggs, I intend to do a hatch of them.

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