I do not want or like chickens

There is a 'peace' about chickens, livestock. Glad she's enjoying them. We love ours. Been known to pull up a lawnchair, and just 'watch'.
They are even more dangerous than that! They are a gateway addicting drug! Studies have proven that once you begin experimenting with chickens, you are 250 time more prone to not only hatch your own eggs (*gasp*) but also to begin experimenting with other, more dangerous elements, including guineas, peafowl, ducks and geese!!

Its aweful I tell you! The youth of the nation need to be warned!

I have been"jonesing" for quail.....
They are even more dangerous than that! They are a gateway addicting drug! Studies have proven that once you begin experimenting with chickens, you are 250 time more prone to not only hatch your own eggs (*gasp*) but also to begin experimenting with other, more dangerous elements, including guineas, peafowl, ducks and geese!!

Its aweful I tell you! The youth of the nation need to be warned!

I was warned, but I am a rational grown up lady, and I really really really didn't think it would happen to me, I wasn't even going to inhale!!!!

Now I have my gateway chickens, the homemade incubator on the dining table, and duck eggs in the mail. I even bought a vintage chicken/egg sign on ebay! <sigh>

If I can't be a good example, let me be a terrible warning: it can happen to YOU too!
LOL, I started out with 6 hens four years ago... now I have over a 100

Now I'm waiting for my mama duck to hatch somemore babies

There's nothing like a yard full of chickens & ducks

Love that pic by the way. Chickens are the best entertainment.
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i don't even like birds. they totally freak me out. and yet my chickens.... they're not birds. at least not to me. they're my pets and my entertainment.

i am not an addict....

i want more!!!

okay, maybe slightly addicted.
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It's all your fault! You guys and gals are all enablers! I was just curious last year. So I look up this site and was curious. And I had {thought} about hatching some eggs for the "learning experience" for my kiddies. Well we hatched them alright! I still have 9 of them in my city backyard and 26 babies in the brooder from this years batch, 4 geese in their brooder and 5 guinea's coming in may. Now we had to buy a house in the country with 5 acres and "GASP!" [looking down in shame I have moved in to murkier waters and gotten two dairy goats they will be here in a week] Oh the shame! LOL!!!! I absolutelly love my chickens! My dh I'm still working on, but I do catch him giving them a pat now and then and he always sneaks snacks out to them when he feeds the dogs.
My house this friday at four. Bring pie

"Well hello everybody, welcome to CA, that's Chickens Anonymous for those of us who have abuse problems with poultry. Who would like to start the testimonies?"

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