I don’t think this are Seramas


Free Ranging
7 Years
May 18, 2015
Fair lawn nj
I was given some eggs and this cuties hatched under my Broody Dutch I was told they were Seramas eggs. But the comb tells me they are not. Am I right?does know what they could be. Thanks in advance!
They are a mix. Seramas have a single comb. At least two of these look like they have a walnut (silkie type) or possibly a rose comb. Harder to tell at this age.
They are a mix. Seramas have a single comb. At least two of these look like they have a walnut (silkie type) or possibly a rose comb. Harder to tell at this age.
Thanks. That is what I can see with the comb. Is it possible to sex them at this early too? They all look like cockerel to me by looking at the shape of the pea comb. I’m not an expert but I have Araucanas and the combs are easy to sex by looking at the shape.

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