I don't have a compost pile


Oct 11, 2015
Sechelt, B.C.
I'm sure some of you don't have compost's just as I don't. However I am looking for ideas of what to do with all the chicken poop?? Any information so much appreciated :)
I doubt you have enough birds to make it worth the effort to dry the manure and bag it for sale to others as fertilizer and its not useful for anything else as far as I know. This 2 minute YouTube video shows the machinery setup that large chicken farms use to dry and bag the manure from their egg laying chickens. Its actually pretty impressive.

Um... Just bin it?

i have 5 hens. Every day while collecting eggs i will spend a minute pulling poo out of their bedding (by hand, i do have a litter tray scoop but this is quicker). I use aubiose so the poo is always dried out and not pungent.

Then once a week I clean the coop, replace their nest box straw and their bedding, of this i get about 1/2 a bucket of poo,and 4 buckets of relatively clean bedding which can be reused or tossed into the run.

i do have a compost bin,but half a bucket a week wwould be OK in our rubbish bins.

Or you can just cheaply buy or make a plastic compost bin, even if you don't have room / inclination for a big open pile.
Is the reason you don't have a compost pile/bin because you don't want one, or you just don't have one? They are nice to have even if you didn't have chickens.

If you want one, they are simple to make. A pretty decent one can be made from 3 wooden pallets set on edge to enclose it on three sides, with a board or two tacked to upper half of the front side. Or just a couple 2 x 4's cut in half with boards nailed on around the edge to hold stuff in. Leave some space between the boards......your compost pile needs air to breath.

Pile stuff on top and fork it out the bottom of the front. Better still, give your birds access to it and let them do all the "forking". Given the opportunity, they would love to go digging into a compost pile.
I use a 2 foot wide sheet of plywood and the roost is centered over it. The birds are outside during the day and only seem to poop in the coop while sleeping. It has 2x4s around the edges to make it like a shallow sandbox and I fill it 1 inch deep with PDZ. It's like a make shift kitty litter box. Use a cat litter scoop to scoop out the poo and into a bucket for composting. This keeps the pine shavings out of the compost (pine shaving break down slow) and it keeps the shaving cleaner for longer.
I use a 2 foot wide sheet of plywood and the roost is centered over it. The birds are outside during the day and only seem to poop in the coop while sleeping. It has 2x4s around the edges to make it like a shallow sandbox and I fill it 1 inch deep with PDZ. It's like a make shift kitty litter box. Use a cat litter scoop to scoop out the poo and into a bucket for composting. This keeps the pine shavings out of the compost (pine shaving break down slow) and it keeps the shaving cleaner for longer.

Awsome thanks!!
Um... Just bin it?

i have 5 hens. Every day while collecting eggs i will spend a minute pulling poo out of their bedding (by hand, i do have a litter tray scoop but this is quicker). I use aubiose so the poo is always dried out and not pungent.

Then once a week I clean the coop, replace their nest box straw and their bedding, of this i get about 1/2 a bucket of poo,and 4 buckets of relatively clean bedding which can be reused or tossed into the run.

i do have a compost bin,but half a bucket a week wwould be OK in our rubbish bins.

Or you can just cheaply buy or make a plastic compost bin, even if you don't have room / inclination for a big open pile.

I'm afraid I wouldn't keep up on a compost bin and I'd end up with a mound of smelly fly surrounded mound of ruk!!! Lol
I'm afraid I wouldn't keep up on a compost bin and I'd end up with a mound of smelly fly surrounded mound of ruk!!! Lol

You don't need a compost bin, you can just bury waste and the worms will compost it. Just be careful with chook poo where you bury it because it can burn plant roots.

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