I don't often ask for help but....

Boyd, I am so terribly sorry to hear this. Praying the conversation you need to have with your daughter never becomes more than that, and that your daughter will be here along time to raise your grandchild. God bless you and keep you.

Boyd, no new wisdom to add, but please know that Ashley, and your whole family, are in my prayers.

Was just checking back in to see if you'd been here. We're still praying and will continue to.
I am and aren't. I am taking life as it goes and trying to be as optimistic as possible. Sharing the excitement of getting a full time position at my new job (used to be a temp) and having health insurance for the first time in forever..
Awww Boyd. We'll be praying for that miracle.

Let your heart guide you as you journey through this difficult time. You will know what to say and when to say it.

You and Kelly are such fabulous parents. You'll do everything exactly right.
Keeping you and your family in our prayers was wondering if it is okay to have my daughter add you and your family to their prayer cycle?

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