I don't often ask for help but....

Boyd I have deep prayers in my heart for you and your family.I generally dont post on these but my wife is a 2 time survivor of Hotchkins Lymphoma.I fully understand what you are going through and sincerely hoping the absolute best for you and your family. It took 8 long years to get passed this with my family but it worked out through all the ups and downs involved. Just keep your head up and heart clean and things will get better. Try to not let emotions upset you ITS NEVER OVER UNTIL ITS OVER THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE NO MATTER WHAT
Oh honey - I'm definitely praying for your daughter!

At this point, I think just speaking plainly with her about long-term plans; I think we all need to have plans like that - no one knows when something could happen to any of us.

I know, but I tell my kids what I want to happen if I pass, not the other way around... I don't want to think about this, but they aren't supposed to go first! For once.. plan for worst, hope for best isn't working for my piece of mind

Just be matter-of-fact about it. It's something ALL parents need to do, even the healthy ones. She probably would have already done it too if her own illnesses hadn't distracted her! Any maybe she already has--she just hasn't mentioned it to you yet for fear of upsetting you or making you think she is giving up when she isn't.

Good luck with this! And all best wishes.

Ok Boyd, I like to pray like this (and anybody else that wants, it does help);

Lets see her in perfect health, surounded by a beautiful sparkling white light. See her walk outside with her children in the warm sunshile, pushing them on a swing...blowing dandelion seeds making wishes. See her sitting on a picnic blanket watching the children play and being thankful for all things...

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