I dunno if you guys remember me


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
The Colony
But I had a scovy and indian runner that were very house trained and then I had a bobcat incident....

I am thinking of getting another little scovy, but I am having issues convincing my father, any good points?
I mean, we have a duck house, a little fence surrounding our porch to prevent poop and two pairs of diapers!
but he just doesn't want the poop that comes with for the first month since they cannot wear diapies for a bit!

And I am also in search for a baby scovie between 1-7 days
I'm sure if I throw out some good points though I'll have one in no time. I must admit though, ducks are really man's best friend.
Apart from being absolutley gorgeous, having great personalities, keeping down the bugs in the garden-being relatively easy to care for in relation to some other types of animals. - You could mention the eggs you will receive if the one you get is a duck- The fact that the little house is just sitting empty- and the fence is already there...

But if your father still needs convincing after that- Tell him in your own way about what it would mean to you to have a duck again after loosing your last ones so tragically.

If he still says no...Then start asking about getting something like a goat or cow.- He may be more willing to compromise for a duckling that way...
I remember when that horrible incident happened aleciasayshii!

Did you hear about all the fuss over outlawing Muscovies? That is on hold for the moment, but we were all talking about them a lot for quite a bit! Part of what became obvious in this discussion is that Muscovies have certain advantages over other ducks:
They are so quiet!
They go broody!
They are much friendlier than most any other duck!
Ducks in general:
Are great at getting rid of bugs
Are really cute!
Well there are a lot more good points about having ducks - check out this thread.

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