i feel like an outdated fool.

Whatever you do dont let teenage girls take pictures of you. They'll most likely be put on there myspaces or something. Why do I know, because I have done it before.

They sound very rude. Why were they climbing your fence to begin with? You are very gracious and kind, don't let their kind bother you. They need a few lessons in manners.
I'd like to say that it's not the age, as is shown by the fact that the parents treated you badly as well. It's the attitude and the way they were raised, by the parents. Even when I was little I would never have climbed a strangers fence. Mostly because all my neighbors had electric fences, but you know.

I feel pity for the people that value cell phones more than friends. I pity those who are more concerned with clothes than fun. I pity those who have lost touch with nature.

Don't let people like that make you feel bad. They're the ones who should feel bad.
i would buy a few NRA stickers and post them puppuies all over the place. it may make them think twice before climbing your fence and being little pecker heads to you.
oh yeah, i am going to do something along those lines..i just couldnt believe how nervy they were! good thing i wasnt some axe murderer or something.
You sound like me, just add the horse slobber, disarrayed hair from the emus "styling" it for me, duck dirt and chicken poo, among who knows what else, while I'm in shorts, a tee and sandals and the neighbors just happen by unannounced.
Take comfort in knowing your kids are growing up in a household with down to earth values and standards. Those kids are to be pitied. And you are doing just fine!

I hope they sensed that you take pride in how you live your life, and are gracious; might actually be of some value to them.

Meanwhile, I agree, you do not have to subject yourself to them.

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