I finally got rid of the TV...

I dont understand parents today. I always here "the kids dont get outside enough". Well, put their tails outside. When I was a kid, I went out in the morning, sometimes came in to have lunch if I was hungry. More times than naught I forgot about lunch I was having such a good time. The rule was, be in by dark. All of my friends in my direct area had to do the same. We just were not allowed in during the day.

No Tv huh? Boy I like my Tv during the evening and during Sundays NASCAR race. Good for you though.
All we have is a older Tv and the ice storm two years ago took out the antena. We are going to buy a new TV in the Fall but for now we never have time to watch one. We have 10 bottle calves at any one time and 100 turkeys plus our chickens. Busy building brooders and houses so times short. But this winter we will get one and a new antena.
I find visiting on line in this group and a couple other group more rewarding then TV.
TV was DH's thing. He never watched it, but he wanted it there. When the writers strike happened and we got zip for tv I complained about paying for nothing, but he wanted the darn thing. Eighty smackers a month wasted. I chose not to pay the bill one month and, as these things normally go, they shut us off. DH didn't notice for over a month. I paid the back balance and canceled the service. I watch Netflix for fourteen bucks a month, but frankly you can watch much of the tv you want for free on the CBS/NBC, etc, websites and then there is Hulu. I keep Netflix for the movies, which is the only reason I shell out cash. It sounds cheap and I suppose it is, but paying the satellite companies big bucks has irritated me for many years.
We own a TV but no cable. Mostly use the TV to watch movies, because there's only one PBS channel that comes in at all, and even that is sketchy. Still, don't have time to watch movies that often.

Haven't had cable in almost 10 years. When we did, it was expensive and stupid, all the shows were so darn dumb. When I stay in hotels for whatever reason, I usually put the TV on low to drown out the noise of the other rooms and people in the hallway, and the stupidity is just amazing. Even the "news" shows, you wonder how anyone can be so credulous and foolish.

I think you don't realize how much time it sucks up out of your day until it's gone. I get so much stuff done at home: training the dogs, gardening, minding the chickens, cooking from scratch, sewing, swimming, minding the firewood and wood stove in the winter, building stuff, working on house renovation projects, fishing, hiking. My colleagues hardly do anything at home other than drive their kids to dance recitals and piano lessons, and then they complain that they have problems with their weight, are constantly dieting, etc. Well, yeah...you sit on your butt in front of the TV, then sit on your butt in the car, then order takeout so you won't miss your favorite prime-time TV show...what did you think would happen?

The only downside is, I don't really understand a lot of pop culture. Any joke that refers to some TV person or actor, forget it, I'm lost.
When we moved up to PA we decided not to get cable/satellite. We have too much to do by way of farm work and with the TV on we would just not get anything done. Now with the digital thing, we couldn't get a station in if we wanted. We still have the DVD and VCR and a very very old Playstation but we spend most of our time in the barn.

Of course we kept the internet - my hubby does all his "side work" from the internet. But see, I'm sitting here typing instead of doing the things I should be doing outside and in the barn. I think for all our technological advancements, we are regressing as a society.

Rosalind, I can't do the tv guide crossword puzzles anymore. I have no idea who they are talking about!!!!!
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I am glad so many agree. I really doubt if I am going to get the kids outside to help anymore than before but at least I am not contributing to bad behavior. But here I am, inside on the computer...

Our electric co-op owns the local t.v. antenna. It's been awhile since I have used the rabbit ears but I think we were getting about 8 channels. We are forced to pay $5.00 a month for it anyway (added to our electric bill) so I may as well hook them back up and watch NCIS and The Mentalist when the new fall shows start.

The great thing about our local antenna is that while they were forced to receive digital signals from the broadcasters, they chose not to re-transmit digital signals! I don't need a converter box!!!!! (at least for a couple years I am sure. They can't live in the dark ages forever!)

Time to dig out the bunny ears. It's still rainy and there is a NASCAR race on!!!!

Nascar isn't on Fox this time of the year
I guess I have to miss the next dozen or so races until the last few that are on ABC.

Oh well, back in the barn I guess!
Good for you!

My TV broke about 1 month ago. I am thrilled~~Oh the sweet sound of quiet!

My kids are playing the piano a lot more and are reading, cooking, etc. They also are going outside and riding their bikes more. They are generally playing together more. All that sunshine & vitamin D make them look so much more healthy, too.

Oh yes, they are begging me to get another one, but I am "holding out" on this one....I want to see what happens. So far, so good. Plus my living room looks a lot better with that donated entertainment center and the "black hole" of a television set staring out at everyone gone.
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