I found out who's been stealing my chickens!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 23, 2013
Oklahoma City, oklahoma
A coyote! In broad daylight! I was doing my chores, and heard a ruckus behind the barn. I went to check it out and there's a coyote trying to catch a chicken! He's got 8 so far. I ran him off that day and he hasn't grabbed anymore. Anyone know of good coyote deterrent?
Double-aught buck shot.... The persistence of an apex predator, especially one which is such a typical opportunist, is such that you either lock your birds down, or aim to permanently deter. Electric fencing can do wonders if properly implemented and maintained.
As previously mentioned, I think the buckshot (I prefer slugs) and electric fencing are your best options. I put up fencing to stop the bobcat attacks that had claimed 6 birds, and knock on wood, I have had no losses since the fence went up. Yes, it limits the chickens and ducks freedom, but in exchange, they don't get eaten! Check out Premier 1 fencing for their net fence. I have 200' attached to the coop, and that gives them a decent sized piece of yard to enjoy. You will want a decent charger for the fence. If I recall, they recommend 1/4 joule output for each section of fence.
I like a .223 myself, though I've killed several with a .22 magnum. I shot one last year at 200 yards while sitting on my tractor. He had laid down in some all grass at the end of a field. I cut the tractor off to alleviate vibration, yipped at him a few times to get him to raise his head, and popped him between the eyes. I don't care for a shotgun myself, but some folks really like them for coyotes.
****. I was thinking like mountain lion urine or something more benign.
Cat piss benign?? I don't think so.

Animal urine will only work if the contributing animal is naturally resident in the area.

Free ranging livestock usually costs deadstock. Accept the loss or confine to protect livestock.
How about a live stock guardian dog, if you arnt interested in killing it? The larger breeds can take down a coyote that is trying to attack their chickens, and make for great outside companions.

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