I got Fired!!!! Now what!?

Gonzo....since you were a "temporary employee" did they tell you about the safety policy?

If not, perhaps you could contact the HR mgr, plead your case and ask for your job back. At this stage, what could it hurt??!!

Best of luck
If the supervisor asked you about it, and you told him/her about it, isn't it the sups responsiblity to get out the proper forms for you to fill out? Sounds like they knew about it, and didn't also do their part.

No, its my fault because I didn't report it right then and there. It wasn't that big of a deal to me. I just shook it off and kept on working. It was the company that had me fired. Its a weird saftey policy. you have to report every little thing. If you don't, your fired. I saw a maintance guy that had been there over 15 yrs get a 3 day layoff over a little cut that required a band-aid! Only thing I can figure is maybe someone sued them in the past over something small like that, and now they have their guards up. IDK.... I know I went out of my way to do a good job and help them out where ever I could... Thats how I got hurt.
Are you a believer? I always ask before I spout off.

They wern't out to get me.... They were always so nice, and just thrilled and thanking me for coming in on my days off and filling in on the floor. I violated their safety policy, and the folks in the front office let me go.
Go sign back up on unemployment, even if they fight it , you still should win, and draw on your past employer. Worth a try, seen people win their unemployment many times after being fired,
Go straight to the company, not the temp company that you were working for and talk to the sup. and explain to him/her that you really loved working for them and that you did not fully understand the safety policy.. Did you get hurt? Ask them if they will hire you with out going through the temp service...
sounds like the company wanted to cover their behinds in a possible future lawsuit if you decided to sue them. It is better for them to fire you than you coming back on them later for damages. I think the company knows of the danger and don't like to hear or report any one being injured.

My hubby's co worker was fired almost two weeks ago for injuring two people, he rammed his forklift on a pallet while hubby and his female co worker was holding it. Knocked hubby on his butt and injured his co worker's wrist (a big fat swelling, all black and blue, but none broken. she is fine). The forklift driver laughed thinking it was funny seeing hubby on his butt and co worker yelling to GET OFF. His supervisor saw that and reported his superior. His superior came and talk to both of them. The e, nd result, the forklift driver was fired the next day and demanded drug test....he failed, tested positive for maj. So they fired so far since hubby started working there, nine employees ( I am sure they were temps) quit. It is a hot gueling job (subcontracted with CAT).

I do not know if there is a way to get back to the job. Maybe speaking with the HR but in most cases, it is a lost cause.
Sounds to me like they are trying to keep their worker's comp premiums down, by being proactive when an incident occurs. In the company I work for the employees have to report any injury as soon as it happens, so that we can monitor the progress of the employee, the innocent and do any paperwork necessary. Take a chance and go talk to the company. They probably will not hire you straight out because of the contract with the temp agency, but they may let you come back as a temp. Explain to them that you like your job and felt you were doing the right thing for them by not reporting the accident because you didn't want sound like a whiner. You felt it was in their best interest not to report an incident that didn't amount to much. explain to them you understand the policy and will adhere by it from now on. Just give you another chance. Sounds like they need good help.

You should be able to still get unemployment, but I bet you would rather be working, right?
It sucks but policy is policy.

Usually all new hires are brought in through the HR dept. while there they are given a stack of forms to sign. Course you are suppose to read and sign. That being said they are given 74 pages single spaced 10 font of material and then sit across the desk from you "patiently" waiting for the new hire to finish. Realisticly who or better yet how many new hires actually read every line. And of those that read every line how many have 100% comprehension and recall?

Furthermore I bet if you sat there reading every line while the HR manager watched and waited you would be labeled and branded with a reputation before you got out the door.


In answer to "what now"

Go get yourself another job, you got that one, you will get another, plain and simple.
I'm sorry you lost your job
- I know how hard it is, as I am the only one with an income in my household and my position is not very stable right now. The state has been laying people off left and right and if my supervisor had not retired, I would not have a job, either. I got her job and my job, and it's a long and sad story what all occurred after she retired, but I still have a job. People don't look at personal hardship any more. They look at 'numbers'. My entire life has been a struggle and I imagine it will continue to be so. I most likely will be laid off in the next wave of 'layoffs', which will occur next June and how easy will a job search be for someone who is almost 60 years old and has worked in a library for 11 years and 3.5 years from retirement? How easy will it be to find another job?? Welfare, here I come. So, don't think you are alone - this is going on all over this country. College graduates are working at WalMart counters, people with advanced degrees are getting the axe regularly, people who are left behind are doing the work of 2 or 3 people now. I think the whole country has taken a dive with no recovery in sight. God bless you - God bless us all, and hopefully you will not be out of work too much longer.

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