I hatched my first chicks ever!!!!


10 Years
May 4, 2012
Keller, VA
I hatched my newest chicks ever and with my new incubator!

Now I have a couple of question and these chickens are mine:

7 of my hatchlings are Silkie Crosses. 1 is a SF for a total of 8 in the last 2 days.
I have these Silkie hens:
a blue with silver neck feathers
a blue with brown neck feathers
a buff
a blue buff
a black
a painted

I have 2 LF roos:
a Salmon Faverolles
a Dark Cornish

1 Silkie splashed roo that never appeared to have ANY interest in hens, and one of my favorite pastimes is sitting on the porch bench and watching my chickens free range.

my LF are purebred (except sex-links of course) and include:
1 Australorp
1 Salmon Faverolles
2 red sex-links and I tried to avoid thier eggs
2 white leghorns and I set no LF white eggs
1 buff Wyandotte
1 Delaware

it appears that all of my chicks have "sideburns"
2 have black skin all others have light skin
some have heavier leg/foot feathering than others
some have 5 toes others have the normal 4 toes
2 are rather the light"chipmunk" coloring
1 is black
1 is rather gray with brown around it's eyes
1 is kindof lighter yellow with a few spots
1 is just yellow

So...lots of possibilities of course. There are positively no stray roos or hens.
But... My questions:

is there anyway to tell which of the two roosters is the father of each?

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