I HATE yellow jackets

DH found the hole- sprayed them at night and put up a trap taht is getting more and more full !!! I hope we get every last one of the nasty critters ( I love most animals- but ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, yellow jackets, hornets, fire ants could have all been left off of Noah's Ark and I would not be disappointed- and biting flies too)
My DH uses WD-40. Stops them in their tracks dead. I spent last Saturday night in the hospital after attempting to pick pole beans and a wasp flew out and stung me right on the lip. Swelled up like a balloon within 10 minutes was at the hospital in 20, lol. I now have 2 epi shots with me. I hate flying, stinging insects!!
I would have to agree with the disliking of stinging insects! We upset a good sized nest of bald faced hornets a few weeks ago...talk about aggressive! BF got one right between the eyes, and I ended up with a STAPH infection! BE CAREFUL!! Go after them in the dark. If it is an above ground nest you can spray it to kill the monsters that are on the surface, but then try to knock it or push it into a trash bag and close it up tight so that you can take care of the ones that are not yet fully developed too! You can freeze it, or do the “take that you little (&^%#&^&*()” stomp on it dance, just don’t pop your bag!

The yellow jacket traps do work really well! Just BE CAREFUL!
another thing to note is that many winged stingers, PARTICULARLY yellowjackets, are much more aggressive in late summer or early fall. They're getting ready for winter, and are frantically storing up reserves in the form of any type of sugars they can find -- fallen fruit, some types of flowers, SODA CANS... be VERY careful. The little varmints fly into the cans to get the sugary soda, and can easily be swallowed, causing painful mouth or throat stings, and for those who are particularlly sensitive to the venom, maybe even death. It's a good idea to NOT drink soda directly from a can in late summer. Use a cup, a bottle, or keep a lid or cover of some kind over the can.
I have been stung 4 times in the last month. They seem to be really bad this year around here. What we do....we find the hole in the ground of the nest and mark it with something. When it is dark we take a beer bottle full of gas and turn it over into the hole and leave it there. The whole nest will be killed. If you are brave enough....dig it up the next day after you have watched to make sure there are none left alive. The nests are very interesting to look at.

Good luck....I personnally hate the little suckers!!!
My husband used to use pesticide sprays on the paper nests and we still had an ongoing problem, along with toxic sprays all around the house. I started using the traps with sugar water in them and they worked very well for us. We had much less of a problem, with only an occasional small nest.

What has worked really great for us, is hanging wren nests on the house and outbuildings where we had problems. They take care of the problem for us and now we don't get paper nests on the house. I used to get stung, just trying to get in my front door. Now I can sit on the patio sipping coffee and listening to the baby wrens chirping in their little house. A big improvement for us!
Wasps are good natural vaccines. I usely get stung accidentaly every year once or twice. But the years i didn't get stung i was sick a lot. I am convinced that the venom in wasps can be a good natural immunity defense booster. Granted i knows some folks are seriously effected by bee/wasp stings. But i find they really give me a boost to the ole immune system!!! I don't even swell now when they hit me!! IT's weird but i swear for me the wasps are like a natural flu shot!!
Do these darn things even have a purpose on this planet?? Yes we have problems here in Arkansas too. My DH runs around with a broom and wasp spray every time they show up
. He uses the very toxic, will kill you just lookin at the can
, long distance, shoots 10 feet, yellow foam dripping down the side of the house, and you don't know what to do with the can when empty
, then you have to walk carefully for 8 hours due to the fact they are laying all over the yard on their backs, wiggling around stinging the air
!!!!! Well !!! Try the toxic foam, buy by the case, at Wal-Mart,,,,,,
Speaking of flying things that sting...

Tomorrow there's a guy coming out to remove the honey bees that have decided to make their home under the siding of the house! He said judging from what he heard with his stethoscope that there are anywhere from 40,000 to 50,000 bees in there.

I will be nowhere near the house tomorrow because anyone in my family who's ever been stung has had an anaphylactic reaction. I've never been stung and really don't want to find out if I'd have as severe a reaction as they have!

I will try to get my BF to take pictures so I can post them. It should be pretty amazing once the siding gets removed!

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