I have a bald baby.

Hmmm.. we could be seeing emerging consequences of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) If DNA has been altered in foods, can it also follow that DNA may be altered in the organisms that are eating that genetically modified food? Chickens eat a lot of this stuff, people. So do we.
Aside from these two being simply adorable, doesn't anyone have any scientific curiosity about WHY this is occurring? That it's happened not once, but twice in different breed chickens, makes me think this may be environmental, not genetic, or rather, something in the environment is triggering a genetic abnormality.

If it were me, I would contact the local university extension office or agricultural department offices. You may not be an isolated case. Something pretty weird is going on. I always ask questions when something out of the norm occurs. I want to know why. It might have serious ramifications.
well we have narrowed it down to feed or the guy we bought them from.We both bought a bag of layer crumble from the local store. I just looked at my bag and its marked layer crumble but another spot says chick starter...also we bought our flock from the same person. So it has to be something he did. Hers is actually a cross bird. He is a Cochin D'anver mix. But she looked at her feed bag and it was done the same as mine. I feed the bantams a scratch/crumble mix and my big birds pellets....we know that he did breed blues to a buff to get a black so it is possible that he just bred them so much they picked up a genetic flaw. According to him they are not related, but I think they might be. I know that he bred the D'anvers until he was able to get shorter smaller birds too...so I think he just played Mad scientist. I'm gonna add fresh blood to mine by buying a rooster from another fellow, and put my hens with it, and then give Mr. Grouchy pants the new hatch and see if it still happens.
Lol how are you going to tell them apart much less if they dont get feathers on what sex they are that would get confusing for me. They are the one of the cutest naked things!!
well streak is a spaz and twice as big as buffy. Plus streak is 3 weeks old now. He is a buff Cochin and he has sprouted a few (very few) buff colored feather chutes. Buffy was born with more down than streak and has the down on his legs. Also buffy has a purple birthmark on his belly.
You certainly make a good point about persistent breeding producing a genetic flaw. The good thing about chickens is the life cycle is very fast, so you'll probably discover what's going on in a relatively short time.

I urge you to keep careful records. This may end up being important on a much larger scale than you can imagine at present.
Lol that makes it easier i still cant keep two of my leghorns straight in my head i given up on the four golden sex links and the 4 bar rocks, and 3 rhode island reds with 23 unless the have special markings i quit trying to name them and keep the straight lol.
So cute! Subscribing!
You certainly make a good point about persistent breeding producing a genetic flaw. The good thing about chickens is the life cycle is very fast, so you'll probably discover what's going on in a relatively short time.

I urge you to keep careful records. This may end up being important on a much larger scale than you can imagine at present.
oh I am...you can bet on that...I know which hens usually lay at what times...so if I have to I will mark eggs to see if it happens again and whose it was.
Lol that makes it easier i still cant keep two of my leghorns straight in my head i given up on the four golden sex links and the 4 bar rocks, and 3 rhode island reds with 23 unless the have special markings i quit trying to name them and keep the straight lol.
Well I only name the "special" ones...lol I have a 3 week old Leghorn named. Pecker and he earned it honestly, obviously streak and buff earned theirs, Rusty is a coronation Sussex but I told him he was getting rusty at mating and there he was named. Mr. Grouchy pants my bantam Rooster is always gawking about something, Lucy loo is my best egg laying Cironation , and mama sue, is my other coronation. They were my very first chickens so they got named...red, old mamma, and baby are my bantam hens...the others....well we will have to see if they earn names..lol. I have 5 dogs too they all have "proper" names...Anastasia dawn is a 9 yr old jack Russell, Junior Samson, is a chi mix and he us a year old, Blossom Rose, is a 7 month old parsons terrier, Fred maxwell, is a basset/bulldog ( he's my nephews..I don't like Fred so he gets both names used a lot) and he us also 7 months old, last but not least is Seymour Jackson, he is a white 4 month old Chi, he is Juniors brother and I've had him since he was 3 weeks old, handled him since he was 4 days old so he us mine. Junior guards the outside chickens, and Seymour trys to help at hatch time. He sneaks in the backroom when I'm in there to look at the biddies.
I hate spell check on my android!! It is always changing my words..I'll be happy when I get my laptop back!! My internet is down and they haven't come fixed it yet. I have satellite and I live in the country its been a month...so please excuse my typos..lol

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