I have a "Mating" question


Jim, I'm 32 and I've never produced an egg. Did you perhaps mean hens bodies release egg cells daily?
Oh, and we're born with those egg cells....

Some roosters, especially hormonal young ones will jump on any hen that stands still long enough, I know mine do. One of them tried to mate with a 3 month old chick recently
They also like the broody hens who are not laying. I've noticed that they do seem to prefer some hens more than others and I'd love to know why.

I see, Semantics. You most certainly have produced "eggs" since you finished puberty, unless you are incapable. Yours do not come with a calcium cover though.

And I will concede that teenage roosters will try to do the deed, but it won't be successful or tolerated very long. In these instances it is the rooster being dominate and setting the pecking order. Roosters pick a favorite sometimes and in my experience it has more to do with the level of tolerance that the hen shows to the rooster.

The females always pick the father of their children no matter the species, so when you get bad boys it is the females fault!


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