I have a question about my Black Australorps:

Autumn Mama

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
British Columbia,
When my son and I were scanning my two BO hens to seek out any defining features to distinguish one from another (they were being named, and so we needed to tell the girls apart~!), we noticed that one hen has 4 toes on each foot, with a single toe being white, the rest black, so 7/8 toes are black, one white. Follow so far?

The second hen has one white toe on each foot, with the rest being black. Any thoughts on why this might be?

My understanding was that they were to have black toes, with white foot undersides.

They are the sweetest hens, named Luna and Delilah, and we aquired them from a breeder in our local area, not through a hatchery.

Thanks for any input!!!
Ill post pics tomorrow, the coop's dark now.

The pullets are 14 weeks old now, and the toes were just noticed a few weeks ago, so they are definitely not "chicks" per se anymore...
Actually bumping your post is against the rules. You need to give your post a couple of days for people to see and then answer.

A picture would help people also.. in case there is something 'unusual' going on. I don't remember my Australorps having white on their feet as chicks but they could have and I just didn't pay attention.

edited to add smiley - and sing the "have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry" song....
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