I have a weird looking rooster

become another sex
AT All.
In DNA no they can not. But in hormone levels the balance can tip and their body will act as the opposite sex.
So a hen will stop laying, may grow spurs and male feathers or even crow.
A rooster is less likely to take damage to cause such a change but possibly born hormone deficient he may not crow, try to mate, or even if he does mate may not produce offspring.
I don’t think the research said anything about reversing reproductive capabilities, it just described a hormonal shift resulting in changes in physical characteristics.

I’m going to bed before the brawl breaks out :frow

Y’all stay out of trouble. :lau
In DNA no they can not. But in hormone levels the balance can tip and their body will act as the opposite sex.
So a hen will stop laying, may grow spurs and male feathers or even crow.
A rooster is less likely to take damage to cause such a change but possibly born hormone deficient he may not crow, try to mate, or even if he does mate may not produce offspring.
So glad you wandered over here Nunny. These people are talking half crow pat.
In DNA no they can not. But in hormone levels the balance can tip and their body will act as the opposite sex.
So a hen will stop laying, may grow spurs and male feathers or even crow.
A rooster is less likely to take damage to cause such a change but possibly born hormone deficient he may not crow, try to mate, or even if he does mate may not produce offspring.
I think I said the same thing in my other post. Hormonal changes can produce external changes.
ETA: when someone says my hen turned into a rooster...it just cannot happen. If they learn about it then that’s a wonderful thing!:love
Some people believe old wives tails. Education is the key:wee
No one said the hen actually changes into a rooster. But to most people, if it suddenly stops laying eggs and starts looking and acting like a rooster, they will just think that and call it one. So they can “change.” Obviously not literally but looking and acting like one which is kind of the same thing for people who can’t keep roos. Also I just skimmed that article and idk if you read it or not but if you do, it literally mentions all the science and everything you said about the left ovary and how the hen does NOT actually become a rooster. So it’s not trying to deceive anyone and not click bait or anything. It explains all the details really well.
No one said the hen actually changes into a rooster. But to most people, if it suddenly stops laying eggs and starts looking and acting like a rooster, they will just think that and call it one. So they can “change.” Obviously not literally but looking and acting like one which is kind of the same thing for people who can’t keep roos. Also I just skimmed that article and idk if you read it or not but if you do, it literally mentions all the science and everything you said about the left ovary and how the hen does NOT actually become a rooster. So it’s not trying to deceive anyone and not click bait or anything. It explains all the details really well.
I’ve seen some photos posted here...and dang!
some of these (transgender) girls really grow some amazing plumage it’s crazy

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