I have made an amazing discovery


12 Years
Sep 3, 2007
Centerville, tennessee
AFter years of candeling eggs, turning eggs, worrying about temperatures and humidity and then worrying about hatching, and then feeding chicks and keeping the temperature and humidity perfect and still losing many eggs, chicks and such, I made the most amazing discovery of my life.
I let the Hen do the work.
This summer for some reason many of my hens decided to hatch their eggs, out of frustration I just let them have their way.
Not only did my hatch rate increase, I let them roam freely about the yard and I wished them luck. They didnt need luck, they
knew what they were doing.
My yard now if full of baby chicks and pullets and on and on and I do little, nearly nothing for their care. The mother hen does it all except feed them each morning and afternoon. I go out and throw out food and treats for them and they are so happy and healthy that I regret all the chicks I killed in my attempts of being
a mother hen.
Nature... let Nature have its way!
Yup, I'm a fellow broody hen lover. Some folks love 'em, some hate 'em.
I have always noticed a better hatch rate when a hen is brooding instead of an incubator
plus all the benefits you state - less fuss, less stress, no electricity
and no brooding indoors so no stink either.

This year I had 17 eggs under 2 hens - I had a total of 14 of those eggs hatch, now i did lose one baby that just failed to thrive, and 3 a week after hatched drowned in an unfortunate accident - but that was nature. I now have 9 exceptionally healthy babies who run around and are chickens and are very smart because they've been learning to be a chicken from their moms and others since day 1.
This is our first flock of chickens, but I (nor my husband) have any desire whatsoever to incubate any eggs. Our plan is to let the mamas do their thing. I really respect and admire those people that have the know-how and willingness to do it, though.
Oh, what I wouldn't do for a broody hen.

Seriously, in the 4 years I've had my chickens, the ONLY hen that ever went broody was my EE girl, Emily, and the dang feral cats got her.

I need to get me some non-hatchery birds, I think.


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