I just got her/him?

The wound is looking better. She is eating and drinking and has definitely perked up.

We will keep her separated for awhile still then move one hen in with her and see how it goes.

She really like melon but only seems to eat it when I'm holding her and offering it to her.

I want to thank everyone for their input.
Don't put another hen n with her while she has open wounds! Chickens are canabalistic and blood wounds are an open invitation to grab a bite to the other birds. A flock will literally peck and eat another wounded chicken to death. U can put blue coat on wounds yo discourage pecking...but she needs a week or so to heal b4 u introduce her to any other hens or she will suffer a repeat.
She is looking much better and acting less scared. More docile and seems relaxed when I hold her.


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