I just got the floor and 4 walls on my coop


11 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Western Oregon
I have 12 puttets in the bath tub, and just got a HUGE start on a 6 x8 coop, I'm soo excited, this is my very first post, so I"ll get pictures up when I can.
thank you, I will, I had no idea chickens were soo, well, so neat, I can gaze at them in the bathtub for hours, and after reading how the coop can cost a fortune, I'm feeling a little enabled, but my coop is gorgeous, and I'm looking forward to spending alot of time there, and not begrudge my husband his golf. And I had some quality bonding time today with my Dad and Uncle Roy who are building the project, and my husband had to get involved too, which was very fun, until his golf friends showed up, then he was outtahere.
I forgot to say that I have 10, 1 week old youngsters, and built a 6X8 coop, so using the 4sq ft per chicken, my coop lasted exactly 2 hrs. being understocked and I ran to coastal farm and home for 2 more Barred Rocks bringing my flock to 12. I'm now at max capacity, and dont have a roof or siding up yet, YIKES

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