I lost a hen for two days and she's found, but now what?

Sep 10, 2021
My Lavender Orpington "Eliza" has gone missing. I searched the ten acres to no avail. She's been gone for two days & nights.
This afternoon I was walking through the yard and saw an egg. I reached down to pick it up and I was growled at. It was Miss Eliza! I thought she was dead, but she's laying on eggs in the flowerbed. This is outside of the coop and run and I'm not sure what to do with her and the clutch of eggs. There are many broken eggs around her, as well. I don't think she's safe outside of the protection of the coop, especially at night.
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I am assuming that if there are broken eggs around her it’s because her eggs have hatched ? I might be wrong.

I wouldn’t move her because from experience if all her eggs haven’t hatched she won’t continue sitting on them because she’ll look out for her little chicks that have hatched. In any case that is what happened to me in my experience, your chicken might be different, but we did have three hens at the same time so it could be that. We ended up having to put all the rest of the eggs in an incubator because I didn’t want to carry on sitting on them.
when it gets dark you can move her to a closed in option of your choice. I have a separate pen inside of the run for broody hens that allows the the safety of the run and separation so other hens don lay eggs or accidentally break eggs but still allows the the social of the flock as well
Brooding chickens can be moved. First check what is under her. If she has only been gone 2 days the shells are not from hatched chicks. If she has a few good eggs and you want her to hatch them (you could give her any fresh eggs, but don't mix started eggs and new eggs) move her with less than a dozen eggs to a location where she can not get back to the original nest. I have successfully moved hens to dog crates during the day. It won't hurt to wait until night if you think she is safe for now.
I am assuming that if there are broken eggs around her it’s because her eggs have hatched ? I might be wrong.

I wouldn’t move her because from experience if all her eggs haven’t hatched she won’t continue sitting on them because she’ll look out for her little chicks that have hatched. In any case that is what happened to me in my experience, your chicken might be different, but we did have three hens at the same time so it could be that. We ended up having to put all the rest of the eggs in an incubator because I didn’t want to carry on sitting on them.
None of those eggs have hatched. They were either ravaged by raccoons, another hen, or she did it. She was sitting on a clutch of eight eggs. I moved her nest and eggs into the coop, and she abandoned her nest outside. I have another broody hen in the coop and she's sitting on them now. I'm not sure if they are sharing broody duties.
My Lavender Orpington "Eliza" has gone missing. I searched the ten acres to no avail. She's been gone for two days & nights.
This afternoon I was walking through the yard and saw an egg. I reached down to pick it up and I was growled at. It was Miss Eliza! I thought she was dead, but she's laying on eggs in the flowerbed. This is outside of the coop and run and I'm not sure what to do with her and the clutch of eggs. There are many broken eggs around her, as well. I don't think she's safe outside of the protection of the coop, especially at night.
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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I would suggest a dog crate to keep her safe.
I would suggest a dog crate to keep her safe.
I put her and her eggs in the dog crate and she immediately left her eggs and roosted on the roosting bars. The next morning she came out with the flock and didn't return to her new nesting area or her old nesting area. It's been about a week and she hasn't set on eggs since. She broke broody immediately and is doing fine. I checked her eggs which floated in water and they were in different stages of development. I have no idea what happened here!?!
Yes, my broody hen didn't like it if I moved her eggs. Maybe putting a cage over her next time if it happens again rather than moving her?
So she's gone again... The Lavender Orpington isn't coming in the coop at night and I haven't found her nest. This is my first hen to go broody and leave the safety of the coop. I suppose she's found a better hiding spot. I surely hope so because we have raccoons that come up to the chicken yard at night. I figure she'll show back up with her baby chicks in a few weeks. At least I hope so🤞!

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