I lost my flock today. What kind of predator?

DEFINITELY sounds like dogs! They're the only ones that would be marauding on that scale in the middle of the day. And I would definitely set up a camera. One of your neighbors needs a visit!

I genuinely feel for your daughter. I've been in her shoes. When I was about her age, we moved to my dream house - acreage in the middle of nowhere, where my menagerie could grow as far as my time - and my father's patience - would allow. On the very first night we were there, my new neighbor's dogs destroyed my wooden rabbit hutch and killed everything - including a doe that was pulling fur for her babies, which were due that night. The only bunnies left were the babies that were still in the garage.

Remembering how much that hurt, I'd like to help her out, if I can. Are you anywhere near Maryland/Delaware? I have some very nice young bantams I am willing to give her to start over again.
You are very kindhearted for offering that. Bless you I am so sorry for the loss if your flock. Those precious babies really do grab our hearts. When my Stripey was killed, the others including the rooster would hide in the coop or under the porch and when we went outside they would come out to free range but stay really close. Stripey’s death hit me hard and that day we began building the new coops and covered run closer to the house. There are plenty of ideas here for predator proof runs/coops. May you and your dayghter find peace and enjoy the survivors and your future flock.
DEFINITELY sounds like dogs! They're the only ones that would be marauding on that scale in the middle of the day. And I would definitely set up a camera. One of your neighbors needs a visit!

I genuinely feel for your daughter. I've been in her shoes. When I was about her age, we moved to my dream house - acreage in the middle of nowhere, where my menagerie could grow as far as my time - and my father's patience - would allow. On the very first night we were there, my new neighbor's dogs destroyed my wooden rabbit hutch and killed everything - including a doe that was pulling fur for her babies, which were due that night. The only bunnies left were the babies that were still in the garage.

Remembering how much that hurt, I'd like to help her out, if I can. Are you anywhere near Maryland/Delaware? I have some very nice young bantams I am willing to give her to start over again.
I started with bantams from a neighbor, roosting in my pole barn. "It will be fine!" It wasn't. Over the years, we've changed to a Ft' Knox coop/ run combination and still have had losses while they free range. And last year to a rat issue in the coop.
This is the hardest part of having a flock at home, but the good times make it worth it all. Your new birds will have a safer place to live, and be appreciated even more.

Could it be human? Heard of this happening before

I wondered this myself, as dogs generally tear their prey to pieces. Definitely seconding the camera suggestion!

EDIT: Evidently I missed the bit about the gnaw marks. How big were they?

My heart goes out to you and your daughter, mcclucker. I can't even imagine how devastating that is. :hugs
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How sad, after two years of illusionary safety to then lose almost all of em:eek:
I feel like reinforcing my coop.
But I can't lock my flock up during the day, they freerange and love it. I hope I will be spared, there's lots of dogs around here...

:hugsWish you the best and your daughter :hugs
I'm sorry:hugs Such a tragic loss for your child . Learn all you can from this . Sad to say you have already learned that predator proof is a must . Learn something else too . Predators such as dogs, which I'm sure is what your dealing with . Dogs tend to cover the same ground at or near the same time when they hunt it . That doesn't mean it will be back tomorrow but maybe the next day or even the day after . They will be back . Wild predators such as foxes and coyotes will follow game trails through the woods and run all over a field searching for prey . Dogs go ever where . Learn some tracking . Circle your home in ever widening circles looking for sign . With the net anyone can track, goggle what you think it is and find pictures of the track . What ever it is kill it if you can . Good luck .
So sorry! :hugsI lost a special pet chicken when I was younger, she died of a heart attack but I know how your daughter feels! its terrible to lose chickens to a predator!
im sorry for your losses, I just had a coon come in and kill 5 in BROD DAYLIGHT it took one ate half of one and the other 3 didn't have any wounds on them that I could see
one of the 3 I did an "autopsy" and found that she had a shattered femur a huge puncture wound that went probably a half inch into her muscle and her breast bone was SPLIT IN HALF I have the other 2 that im going to do the same thing to but I havnt gotten to them yet. I vowed to shoot the coon and hang its hide on a flag pole under my fake owl. the one that it took was my first chicken and ofcorse was the one I couldn't find the body for :(
again I am so sorry for your losses
A fox once did something like that to mine years ago except it got 7 or 8 and 3 or 4 survived. Do any of your neighbors have dogs?
im sorry for your losses, I just had a coon come in and kill 5 in BROD DAYLIGHT it took one ate half of one and the other 3 didn't have any wounds on them that I could see
one of the 3 I did an "autopsy" and found that she had a shattered femur a huge puncture wound that went probably a half inch into her muscle and her breast bone was SPLIT IN HALF I have the other 2 that im going to do the same thing to but I havnt gotten to them yet. I vowed to shoot the coon and hang its hide on a flag pole under my fake owl. the one that it took was my first chicken and ofcorse was the one I couldn't find the body for :(
again I am so sorry for your losses
how can a raccoon do that kind of damage?? These were mostly very big hens too, 6lb buff orps, brahmas, wyandottes. Not little bantams.

I have close-ish neighbors on either side and forest in the back. I will set up a camera I think. We do have some dogs that get loose in town and run through that forest. The neighbors’ dogs are tiny, & old & slow. I can’t see them doing this kind of damage.

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